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Re: [News] New GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks to Cost $149

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____/ Mark Kent on Sunday 07 Feb 2010 09:25 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Mark Kent on Friday 05 Feb 2010 14:25 : \____
>>> Lusotec <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>>>>> Are you able to touch type?  I've found that people who seem to have
>>>>>> problems with smaller keys are usually either those who cannot
>>>>>> touch-type, or they are visually or motor-impaired in some way.  I'm
>>>>>> curious as to whether my model still fits..
>>>>> I guess it depends on tiny. iPhone keyboard, for example, is a
>>>>> gimmick/joke.
>>>> A good keyboard must have keys that give a good physical response, an image
>>>> on a screen is a poor replacement for a keyboard, at least for me. Also
>>>> finger prints and smudges on a screen annoy me greatly as does people that
>>>> need to touch the screen to point something on it.
>>> I agree, but I can touch type with no problem on my AA1, and could also
>>> do so on my Psion MX5.  The keys give a good physical response, no
>>> problem.
>>> I have an old Sinclair Z100 here somewhere, about the size of an A4
>>> sheet of paper, it's an amazingly early web-tablet (no, Apple didn't
>>> think of it first!).  The keyboard is a rubber compression type, but
>>> again, I can type on it.
>> I always wonder what it's like to type on these projected keyboards where
>> your fingers get scanned/captured for input. It's easy to slip between keys
>> without 'feeling' it. Nexus One (Android) is adding voice dictation now, but
>> it's not real-time.
> I think they will be exceedingly difficult to use.

The good thing about it is that it's not rigid. How about a keyboard that relies
on Markov chains of strings and then 'expands' certain keys _as you type_
based on what you are likely to tap next. Might be confusing at first, but has
anyone tried it? It's a bit like a zoomable keyboard, only smarter.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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    One promises you heaven and the other prepares you for the grave. "
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