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[News] More Web Censorship in China, Iran, and the UK (But Not in Germany)

  • Subject: [News] More Web Censorship in China, Iran, and the UK (But Not in Germany)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:24:15 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Westerners need self-reflection before criticizing China

,----[ Quote ]
| The West seems to be annoyed by a series of 
| events: Chinaâs cyber attacks on Western 
| computer networks, disputes with Google, 
| crackdowns on human rights activists, 
| execution of a British citizen, and its 
| unhelpful role ranging from the climate 
| change talks to Iranâs nuclear program. The 
| list goes on. Pundits point to the 
| increasing threats posted by an 
| increasingly self-confident China.
| But before going on criticizing China, 
| letâs view the matter from another angle: 
| The Westâs response to Chinaâs economic 
| reform and opening. It plays an important 
| part in fuelling Chinaâs self-confidence, 
| one of the key themes discussed in posts by 
| Chinese scholar Zhu Xueqin (æåå) on BBC 
| Chinese Web and Lu Di (èç) on 
| Bullogger.com.


One month later, Google still censors China search

,----[ Quote ]
| From the department of premature 
| congratulations: One of China's best-known 
| artists and activists just spoke out in 
| support of Google's "decision" to stop 
| censoring search results inside the world's 
| most populous nation.
| In a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece 
| headlined "Google Gives Us Hope," Al Weiwei 
| also said two of his Gmail accounts were 
| breached by unknown intruders and messages 
| were automatically "transferred to an 
| unknown address." He said that even as the 
| internet was promoting greater political 
| participation, Chinese authorities were 
| working hard to stifle this possibility.


Iran to shut down Google email service: report

,----[ Quote ]
| The Iranian government plans to permanently 
| suspend Google Inc's email service in the 
| country, the Wall Street Journal reported 
| on its website on Wednesday.


Online Kiwis maybe feeling Oz censor trickledown

,----[ Quote ]
| Australiaâs drive to protect its own 
| population from the horrors of the internet 
| may be starting to have knock-on effects on 
| the surfing habits of its neighbour, New 
| Zealand - some websites are no longer 
| accessible in NZ via Aussie ISPs.
| A Reg reader wrote to tell us: "NZ surfers 
| being routed via Optus routers in Oz have 
| been blocked from NHL.com, and 
| peopleofwalmart.com along with all 
| 'Gamehouse' social games on Facebook.


Digital Economy Bill: Lords Want Rights To Link, Format-Shift 

,----[ Quote ]
| Conservative Lord Ralph Lucas is using the 
| Digital Economy Bill to wade in to the 
| debate over whether aggregators can freely 
| link to online newspaper material.


Digital Economy Bill: Govt Rejects Format-Shifting, Right-To-Link Requests 

,----[ Quote ]
| The UK government politely refused some of 
| the boldest proposed late changes to the 
| Digital Economy Bill, as the House Of Lords 
| finally finished debating the bill on 
| Tuesday night.


Candidates 2010

,----[ Quote ]
| I've written on the forum a little while 
| ago, outlining the selection process I 
| envisage introducing, partly to help me 
| work that out, and partly to give the 
| chance for member feedback. Now I'm in a 
| position to announce that we will be 
| putting the first potential candidates 
| forward for ratification by the party 
| membership, after which they will be 
| declared as prospective parliamentary 
| candidates for PPUK.


German Government Steps Away from 2009 Filtering Plan

,----[ Quote ]
| The German government declared its 
| intention to not continue with the Internet 
| filtering law which was passed in 2009 to 
| block child pornography online.
| Since the former government, made up of a 
| coalition of GermanyÂs two biggest parties, 
| the social democratic SPD and the 
| conservative CDU, passed the law in 
| June/July 2009, it remained a 
| controversially discussed topic in Germany. 
| Especially civil society groups including 
| the Internet community criticized the then 
| Minister of Family Ursula von der Leyen for 
| using child porn as an excuse to create a 
| structure of online censorship.



Internet down in Iran ahead of opposition protests

,----[ Quote ]
| Iran said on Sunday its Internet
| connections will remain slow this week due
| to technical problems, ahead of
| anticipated protests by opposition
| supporters.
| Connections have been slow since last week
| and some email accounts have been
| unavailable for several hours each day.


Iranian net slows to a crawl before planned protests

,----[ Quote ]
| Iranian authorities have blamed fibre-
| optic network damage for a convenient
| slow-down in net connection speeds in the
| country this week.


China jails porn-monger

,----[ Quote ]
| China's aggressive crackdown on internet
| smut and dissent continues - yesterday a
| man was sentenced to 13 years prison for
| renting a US server for distributing
| pornographic material


Cherie Blair and One Law for All

,----[ Quote ]
| The NSS was a founder member of the One
| Law for All Campaign which seeks to impede
| the march of sharia law in Britain.
| Naturally we think that in a democracy
| everyone must be equal under the law, with
| no exceptions. Sharia law is full of
| exceptions and it is clear that women are
| not equal under that system.
| But now we discover that a different â
| more favourable â system of justice is
| being applied to religious people by
| Cherie Blair (professional name Cherie
| Booth) in her capacity as a judge. Last
| week in the Inner London Crown Court, Ms
| Blair/Booth spared a violent yob from
| prison because he is a âreligious manâ.


Will Wikileaks Drown in Its Own Red Ink?

,----[ Quote ]
| Wikileaks is usually described as a
| "whistleblower" site, but it's really more
| of a safe haven for secrets that need to
| be exposed -- kind of like a Swiss bank,
| only in reverse, so it's kind of fitting
| that a Swiss bank is one of its most
| famous targets. But instead of shielding
| people who are trying to hide their
| assets, it exposes them. Thanks to the
| nature of the Net, confidential sources
| can make those secrets public without
| putting their own necks on the chopping
| block.
| [...]
| So it's your choice. You can spend $10 on
| a couple of lattes and a kruller, or you
| can spend it on keeping information
| flowing just a little more freely around
| the world. I know which one I'd pick.

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