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Re: [News] Pandora to be Released (Linux on Small Console), Nook (Linux-based) Updated

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____/ Mark Kent on Friday 12 Feb 2010 07:30 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Homer on Thursday 11 Feb 2010 14:24 : \____
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> Pandora open-source handheld is go
>>> Yay!
>> Good gameplay, lots of games, Linux powered (maybe scummvm).
> I was considering one some time ago, but the project appeared to have
> stuttered to a halt.

If it works, then it works. The past does not change. :-D

A Bit of Welcomed Scumm on Your Linux Machine

,----[ Quote ]
| This might make me sound like an old fogey, but I
| really do miss the old games like Space Quest,
| The Curse of Monkey Island and Return to Zork.
| The problem isn't that I don't have the games
| anymore, but rather that they were designed for
| my 386 computer running DOS. Thankfully, I'm not
| alone in my fits of nostalgia. The developers
| over at www.scummvm.org have reproduced the
| âScript Creation Utility for Maniac Mansionâ
| developed by Lucas Arts and packaged it into a
| virtual machine (thus, ScummVM). That virtual
| machine is open source and available for just
| about any platform you can imagine.


- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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