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Re: [News] Patent Fronts Spread Across Europe (Including Ed Black, Who Received Millions from Microsoft)

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____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 23 Feb 2010 08:10 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> The IP Observatory is already in place
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| In the legal affairs committee JURI in the
>>| European Parliament, we have been
>>| discussing an initiative by the EU
>>| Commission to set up an âIP Observatoryâ
>>| that should monitor and combat all kinds of
>>| intellectual property infringements, from
>>| commercial goods counterfeiting to kids
>>| downloading films and music. Right now, we
>>| are in the process of drafting a
>>| resolution, known as the Gallo report, on
>>| the subject.
>>| [...]
>>| So much for the involvement of the European
>>| Parliament on this issue. We have been
>>| invited to hold an exchange of views in the
>>| JURI committee, and we are currently
>>| spending time on drafting a resolution on
>>| if and how the IP Observatory should be set
>>| up.
>> `----
>> http://christianengstrom.wordpress.com/2010/02/08/the-ip-observatory-is-
> Sharing is bad - selfish is good!

The GPL was designed with avoidance/prevention of selfishness and maximisation
of sharing in mind. That's why it's the most ubiquitous software licence.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, and a dark side, and
it holds the universe together... -- Carl Zwanzig
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