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[News] Mandriva and OLPC Get ARM Power, Future Looks Good

  • Subject: [News] Mandriva and OLPC Get ARM Power, Future Looks Good
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:28:15 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Mandriva Joins ARM Connected Community

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva, Europe's leading Linux publisher, 
| today announced it is a new member in the 
| ARMÂ Connected Community, the industryâs 
| largest ecosystem of ARM technology-based 
| products and services. As part of the ARM 
| Connected Community, Mandriva will gain 
| access to a full range of resources to help 
| it market and deploy innovative solutions 
| that will enable developers to get their ARM 
| Powered products to market faster. 


ARM Launches a Smarter Brain for The Internet of Things

,----[ Quote ]
| So ARM added some digital signal processing 
| capabilities to the chip. Think of it as 
| sending the silicon to school so it can 
| learn algebraâafter realizing that basic 
| math doesnât cut it anymore. Already NXP, 
| Texas Instruments and ST Microelectronics 
| have licensed the cores and expect products 
| containing the chip to hit the market in 
| 2011. Some areas weâll see it are in smart 
| appliances for âtalking toâ to the smart 
| grid (GigaOM Pro sub. reqâd), and as a way 
| to add better audio quality to everything 
| from headsets to Mp3 players without adding 
| a lot of cost.


Saving the World, One Laptop at a Time

,----[ Quote ]
| Negroponte believes that, in addition to 
| educating children, the computers enable 
| both girls and boys to become agents for 
| social change. "We find in Peru that as many 
| as 50 percent of the kids, because they are 
| in remote villages, are teaching their 
| parents how to read and write." 



Android tablet runs on Cortex-A9 SoC

,----[ Quote ]
| ViewSonic demonstrated an Android-powered
| 8.9-inch, 1024 Ã 800 tablet device at a trade
| show in Beijing, China, yesterday, reports
| Mobile.163. The VTablet 101 incorporates an
| ARM Cortex-A9 based Nvidia Tegra system-on-
| chip (SoC), plus WiFi, Bluetooth, and 4GB of
| flash storage, says the story.

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