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[News] Free Software Defended in Face of Attacks from MAFIAA

  • Subject: [News] Free Software Defended in Face of Attacks from MAFIAA
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 09:35:32 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Is Open Source "Anti-Enterprise"?

,----[ Quote ]
| Ignoring all the crap that gets spewed, 
| FOSS has done more good for more people in 
| more parts of the planet than any of those 
| legalised money-grabbing groups ever have.


IIPA's Section 301 Filing Shows It's Really Not At All Interested In Reducing Copyright Infringement

,----[ Quote ]
| But if your goal is to actually reduce 
| infringement, then wouldn't you want to 
| encourage the use of legal software? And 
| by encouraging the use of open source 
| software, you are making it that much less 
| likely that infringement will be a 
| problem, since the software will be 
| cheaper. Basically, the IIPA is flat out 
| admitting that it's not actually 
| interested in reduced copyright 
| infringement. It's abusing the USTR's 
| Special 301 process to set up 
| protectionist policies for the companies 
| and organizations it represents -- and 
| trying to use that process to deny efforts 
| to actually reduce infringement.


Big Content condemns foreign governments that endorse FOSS


Turning open source users into criminals

,----[ Quote ]
| A powerful US lobby group is trying to 
| have pro-open source countries listed as 
| being "anti-capitalism"


International Intellectual Property Alliance - The Disconnect


This is why MAFIAA and FOSS are not totally separable. Content/data vs software.


When using open source makes you an enemy of the state

,----[ Quote ]
| The US copyright lobby has long argued
| against open source software - now
| Indonesia's in the firing line for
| encouraging the idea in government
| departments
| It's only Tuesday and already it's been an
| interesting week for the world of digital
| rights. Not only did the British government
| changed the wording around its
| controversial 'three strikes' proposals,
| but the secretive anti-counterfeiting
| treaty, Acta, was back in the headlines.
| Meanwhile, a US judge is still deliberating
| over the Google book settlement.
| As if all that wasn't enough, here's
| another brick to add to the teetering tower
| of news, courtesy of Andres Guadamuz, a
| lecturer in law at the University of
| Edinburgh.
| Guadamuz has done some digging and
| discovered that an influential lobby group
| is asking the US government to basically
| consider open source as the equivalent of
| piracy - or even worse.
| What?
| It turns out that the International
| Intellectual Property Alliance, an umbrella
| group for organisations including the MPAA
| and RIAA, has requested with the US Trade
| Representative to consider countries like
| Indonesia, Brazil and India for its
| "Special 301 watchlist" because they use
| open source software.

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