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[News] Debian Derivative Knoppix 6.3 is Released

  • Subject: [News] Debian Derivative Knoppix 6.3 is Released
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 17:10:11 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

CeBIT 2010: Knoppix 6.3 CeBIT Edition released

,----[ Quote ]
| At this year's CeBIT Open Source Forum, 
| Knoppix creator Klaus Knopper has announced 
| the release of version 6.3 of his popular Live 
| Linux distribution. Knoppix is a bootable CD, 
| DVD or USB Flash drive distribution of Linux, 
| incorporating automatic hardware detection. It 
| can be used to demo Linux, as an educational 
| CD, a rescue system, etc. Knoppix uses on-the-
| fly decompression, so it can have up to 2 GB 
| of data and software installed on a 
| distribution CD or up to 10 GB of data on a 
| single layer DVD.



Knoppix 6.3 highlights

,----[ Quote ]
| Knoppix creator (and Q&A mastermind) Klaus
| Knopper shares some insights on the latest
| release.


Knoppix founder Klaus Knopper speaks

,----[ Quote ]
| Klaus Knopper teaches at the Kaiserslautern
| University of Applied Sciences where he
| lectures in software engineering and software
| technology and occasionally gives seminars and
| talks about open source in various parts of
| the IT industry. Klaus received his diploma in
| electrical engineering from the Kaiserslautern
| University of Technology, which in German is
| die Technische UniversitÃt Kaiserslautern. He
| co-founded LinuxTag in 1996, a Linux
| exhibition which has not really seen any
| competition from anywhere. He has been a self-
| employed information technology consultant
| since 1998. As well as all of this he started
| the Knoppix GNU/Linux distribution. Knoppix is
| something of a legend as far as system
| administrators and computer repair technicians
| are concerned. Most people who know about it
| have a healthy respect for it. Linux User &
| Developer was able to catch up with Klaus in
| the middle of his busy schedule and ask him
| some questions about himselfâ.


Knoppix 6.2 Based on LXDE

,----[ Quote ]
| Klaus Knopper has updated his Live Linux
| Knoppix to 6.2 and chose LXDE as the
| desktop environment. Also included is
| ADRIANE, the talking menu system for the
| sight-impaired, in version 1.2


Knoppix 6.2 arrives

,----[ Quote ]
| The Knoppix developers have released
| version 6.2 of their popular Linux
| distribution. Knoppix is a bootable CD
| distribution of Linux incorporating
| automatic hardware detection and can be
| used to demo Linux, as an educational CD, a
| rescue system, etc. Knoppix uses on-the-fly
| decompression so it can have up to 2 GB of
| data and software installed on a
| distribution CD. The latest release is
| based on the "Testing" and "Unstable"
| branch of Debian and includes several bug
| fixes and updates.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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