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[News] More Censorship and Abuse of Civil Rights in Australia, EU, US

  • Subject: [News] More Censorship and Abuse of Civil Rights in Australia, EU, US
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 00:12:46 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Miffed Minister's Gag

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this year, you may remember, the 
| South Australian government tried to make 
| it unlawful for websites like The 
| Advertiser's AdelaideNow to publish posts 
| about political matters during an election 
| campaign, unless they carried the writer's 
| real name.


Google convictions reveal two flaws in EU law, not just Italian law

,----[ Quote ]
| Criticism of last week's conviction of 
| three Google executives has focused on 
| Italy's legal system. That focus risks 
| missing a wider point. Web hosts are 
| unfairly exposed all across the EU and two 
| legal changes are needed.
| It could be three months before we get the 
| court's full explanation for convicting 
| Google's Chief Legal Officer David 
| Drummond, Global Privacy Counsel Peter 
| Fleischer and former Chief Financial 
| Officer George Reyes. That judgment will 
| explain why they were held responsible for 
| a video that showed an autistic child 
| being bullied by Turin school pupils, a 
| video that appeared on the Italian site of 
| Google Video in 2006.


Soldier Sues Because He Insists Movie 'Hurt Locker' Must Have Been Based On His Life

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, it's amusing to note that while 
| he claims the movie was based on him, he's 
| also claiming defamation, in that the 
| movie portrays him in false light (such as 
| in that the character is a bad father).


Judge: Web site must yank story about center giraffe

,----[ Quote ]
| A state judge ordered a Web site to pull a 
| story about a fictional giraffe attack at 
| Global Wildlife Center in Folsom.
| District Judge Brenda Bedsole Ricks signed 
| the temporary restraining order Tuesday 
| and scheduled a hearing for March 15 in 
| 21st Judicial District Court in Amite on 
| whether to make the injunction permanent, 
| court records show.


Horror Blogger Threatened With Defamation And Copyright Lawsuits After Writing An Open Letter To Horror Magazine

,----[ Quote ]
| It's amazing how some people seem to think 
| that basic criticism is defamatory. We 
| recently wrote about how the editor of a 
| journal that published a review of a legal 
| book is now facing a defamation lawsuit in 
| France, even though the book review was 
| just a typical book review (and only 
| slightly negative). Now, Robert Ring 
| points us to the news of a "horror" 
| blogger who wrote a somewhat critical 
| "open letter" to the horror magazine 
| Gorezone, complaining about the apparent 
| grammar and spelling problems in the 
| magazine combined with what the blogger 
| felt was rather sexist content. Frankly, 
| the open letter isn't even that critical. 
| It's one blogger's opinion with some 
| constructive criticism.



Conservatives and Lib Dems push web blocking

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, in an even more dangerous amendment,
| Lib Dems and Conservatives push for web
| blocking. This would open the door to a
| massive imbalance of power in favour of
| large copyright holding companies.
| Individuals and small businesses would be
| open to massive 'copyright attacks' that
| could shut them down, just by the threat of
| action.


25 Lib Dem PPCs sign letter asking Lib Dem Parliamentarians to think again on Digital Economy Bill

,----[ Quote ]
| In the last day or so there has been
| particular focus on an amendment put
| forward in the Lords by Tim Clement-Jones
| and Tim Razzall, the reasoning for which
| Tim Clement-Jones explained in a post here
| but which journalist and author (and Lib
| Dem member) Cory Doctorow disagreed with.


Urgent: Please Help Head Off Website Blocking in UK

,----[ Quote ]
| We have only a few hours to stop something
| bad happening in the House of Lords *this
| afternoon*:
| Lib Dem peers are seeking to amend the
| Digital Economy Bill to allow site blocking
| for copyright infringement. This could lead
| to unwanted blocking of sites accused of
| copyright infringement, including sites
| like Youtube, and a massive chilling effect
| as any site with user generated content
| could easily fall foul of provisions like
| this.
| If you have five minutes spare, please
| write to the two Lords behind this: Lord
| Razzall and Clement Jones. The links given
| take you to WriteToThem, so all you need to
| do is supply a few words.


(More) Trouble At T'Bill

,----[ Quote ]
| The Lib Dems, in an apparent good-faith
| attempt to avoid supporting the
| Government's proposed unlimited power to
| change any law on IP, any time, any where,
| without proper scrutiny, in clause 17 of
| the Digital Economy Bill, came up with an
| alternative which almost everyone BUT the
| LibDems and the Tories thinks is probably
| even worse. It's a remarkable day indeed in
| the DEB saltmines when you see the
| government minister and the fabulous Earl
| of Errol agreeing on anything. But also a
| rather disturbing one.


How UK Chiropractors' Attempt To Silence One Critic Created The Backlash That May Change Chiropractics In The UK

,----[ Quote ]
| One day someone will write a big case study
| (or perhaps a book) about what happened
| here. An attempt to silence a critic may
| end up resulting in massive changes to not
| just the British Chiropractic Association
| (the article notes that many chiropractors
| are horrified and want to leave the
| organization), but also how people view
| chiropractors and how chiropractic services
| are marketed.


New amendment gives copyright owners a blank cheque for web censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| Imagine that, in the Summer of last year,
| you had been following the MP's expenses
| scandal and heard that The Telegraph was
| publishing a rather less redacted version
| that MP's were prepared to give us.
| Interested, you navigated your way to
| www.telegraph.co.uk only to find it was not
| responding. After some searching around and
| asking friends you discover that the
| website has been blocked by most major UK
| ISP's. It seems a junior official in
| Parliament had asked them to block The
| Telegraph for copyright violation.


Cherie Blair and One Law for All

,----[ Quote ]
| The NSS was a founder member of the One
| Law for All Campaign which seeks to impede
| the march of sharia law in Britain.
| Naturally we think that in a democracy
| everyone must be equal under the law, with
| no exceptions. Sharia law is full of
| exceptions and it is clear that women are
| not equal under that system.
| But now we discover that a different â
| more favourable â system of justice is
| being applied to religious people by
| Cherie Blair (professional name Cherie
| Booth) in her capacity as a judge. Last
| week in the Inner London Crown Court, Ms
| Blair/Booth spared a violent yob from
| prison because he is a âreligious manâ.

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