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[News] Myth of "Originality" Debunked, Intellectual Monopolies Busy Preserving the Illusion

  • Subject: [News] Myth of "Originality" Debunked, Intellectual Monopolies Busy Preserving the Illusion
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 00:15:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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The Cult of Originality

,----[ Quote ]
| I write this not to be âoriginal,â but to 
| share what I perceive as true. I share an 
| idea because I am lonely. The less my 
| reality is reflected back to me, the 
| lonelier I become. I want to find âmy 
| people,â people who can see what I see, 
| who know what I know. Because the arguing 
| gets tiring. And it turns out that many 
| who argue with me do see what I see and 
| know what I know â they just arenât aware 
| of it yet.


RIAA Claims File Sharers Are 'Undermining Humanitarian Efforts In Haiti', But Leaves Out The Facts

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow. The RIAA is getting seriously 
| desperate these days. In the past, at 
| least, its arguments made a little bit of 
| sense, if you didn't understand the 
| details or have the data. But these days, 
| they're really reaching. We've already 
| covered Mitch Bainwol's bizarre attempt to 
| link Chinese hackers breaking into Google 
| with copyright law -- despite the two 
| being totally unconnected. And, now, the 
| RIAA is claiming that P2P file sharers  
| are "undermining" humanitarian efforts in 
| Haiti. Now that's quite a claim, and you 
| would think the RIAA would have some 
| evidence to back it up, but (of course), 
| it doesn't. It's just making stuff up.


Tiny Novato winery wins trademark case against Trek Bicycle

,----[ Quote ]
| A federal judge in Wisconsin today tossed 
| out a trademark-infringement case against 
| tiny Novato-based Trek Winery LLC brought 
| by Trek Bicycle Corp., one of the largest 
| bike manufacturers in North America.


Subway, Quiznos Agree to Stop Fighting Over Hard-Hitting Viral Video Campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| Subway and Quiznos settled their long-
| running deceptive advertising dispute just 
| days after trial judge ruled that Quiznos' 
| CDA Section 230 defense of its user-
| generated viral video marketing campaign 
| is too meaty for summary disposition.


Dissent of the day

,----[ Quote ]
| The U.S. Federal Circuit, which usually 
| goes out of its way to unjustly expand the 
| contours of patent law, has issued a 
| typically outrageous decision holding that 
| a U.S. stamp which depicts a view of a 
| public Korean War memorial violates the 
| copyright of the sculptor who designed it. 


First web copyright crackdown coming

,----[ Quote ]
| A coalition of traditional and digital 
| publishers this month will launch the 
| first-ever concerted crackdown on 
| copyright pirates on the web, initially 
| targeting violators who use large numbers 
| of intact articles.
| Details of the crackdown were provided by 
| Jim Pitkow, the chief executive of 
| Attributor, a Silicon Valley start-up that 
| has been selected as the agent for several 
| publishers who want to be compensated by 
| websites that are using their content 
| without paying licensing fees.


Archiving Britain's web: The legal nightmare explored

,----[ Quote ]
| A proposal that could give select 
| institutions the power to take snapshots 
| of websites without their owners' 
| permission is being ruminated by our 
| Government. Civil servants at the 
| Department of Culture, Media and Sport are 
| now processing opinions on whether we 
| should be archiving websites for future 
| generations. 


New study shows some correlation between free ebooks and higher print sales

,----[ Quote ]
| John Hilton, a doctoral candidate in 
| Instructional Psychology and Technology at 
| Brigham Young University whose interests 
| focus on open education and open access, 
| recognizes that there could never be a 
| completely controlled study on the matter, 
| but that hasnât hindered him in collecting 
| as much data as possible. Hilton 
| coauthored a study recently published in 
| The Journal of Electronic Publishing 
| titled âThe Short-Term Influence of Free 
| Digital Versions of Books on Print Sales,â 
| for which he examined Bookscan sales for 
| dozens of print titles before and after 
| they were released online for free.


Murdoch's NY Post Continues To Source Articles From Bloggers With No Credit

,----[ Quote ]
| Rupert Murdoch and his minions at News 
| Corp. have been going around banging the 
| drum that Google and others are "stealing" 
| from News Corp. newspapers by linking to 
| their stories and sending them traffic. 
| But at the same time, they seem to have no 
| problem totally taking credit for stories 
| that they source from elsewhere. Late last 
| year, the Times (of London), which is a 
| News Corp. paper was caught publishing 
| someone's blog post without their 
| permission at all. And then there's the 
| News Corp.-owned NY Post, which last year 
| had a reporter admit that it was the 
| paper's "policy" not to credit bloggers as 
| the sources for stories. After that story 
| came out, the NY Post insisted that wasn't 
| true, but it appears the paper has been 
| caught doing it again. 


How Balanced Copyright Gives Us As Many Freaky Alice in Wonderlands as We Can Handle

,----[ Quote ]
| Each of these versions are inspired by the 
| original Aliceâs Adventures in Wonderland. 
| Each was made with commercial motives in 
| mind, not some urge to set information 
| free (and generally made a lot of money 
| for their creators to boot). Each, at 
| least according to the descriptions in the 
| Times, is bizarre. However what is most 
| striking is that each is bizarre in a way 
| that was probably unanticipated by Aliceâs 
| original author.


If you blog unauthorized "Daily Show" or "Colbert" clips, Viacom will sue your ass

,----[ Quote ]
| News broke yesterday that Comedy Central 
| would no longer allow popular video site 
| Hulu to present episodes of "The Daily 
| Show" and "The Colbert Report." 


Senate bill would make state's biodiversity pay off

,----[ Quote ]
| Hillyard's bill would require that people 
| who remove single-cell organisms for 
| research or commercial purposes register 
| with the Utah Geological Survey. It is 
| expected that, in the future, another law 
| would require those who turn that material 
| into a commercial product pay royalties to 
| the state.

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