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[News] MAFIAA Uses Haiti Atrocities to Promote Its Bullying, MAFIAA Racket Investigated

  • Subject: [News] MAFIAA Uses Haiti Atrocities to Promote Its Bullying, MAFIAA Racket Investigated
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 08:58:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

If they are doing it, so can we? â RIAA v File sharers (again)

,----[ Quote ]
| In respect of the Haiti fund, Torrentfreak 
| may be providing an answer:
|     ..they say that those illegally 
|     downloading âWe Are The Worldâ are 
|     undermining fund raising. However, 
|     they leave out the fact that the music 
|     industry itself profits big from such 
|     charity singles.
| So there you go readers, its ok to take 
| away from the fund because (and I quote) 
| âthe music industry itself profits big 
| from such charity singlesâ
| [...]
| As I have mentioned before the anti/pro 
| file sharing argument is equally as 
| stubborn on both sides.  To coin a phrase 
| âThe unstoppable force meeting the 
| immovable objectâ I think is very 
| applicable when the RIAA uses emotive 
| words like:
|     The posting highlights a truly ugly 
|     side of P2P piracy â the undermining 
|     of humanitarian fundraising efforts 
|     via online theft of the âHope for 
|     Haiti Nowâ compilation.
| Source: RIAA Blog
| Now really, is that required? Any 
| reasonable person would know that piracy 
| would take away funds from the project, 
| afterall if I downloaded for free instead 
| of buying, then my money (no matter what 
| percentage) would be taken from the fund.  
| Itâs not rocket science after all.  The 
| RIAA in my view makes no friends by trying 
| to use emotive words like âtheftâ, 
| âunderminingâ, âhumanitarianâ and it was 
| very similar to the claims made by FACT in 
| the UK when they claimed piracy was linked 
| to benefit fraud.  The question I asked at 
| the time was, if someone is selling copied 
| movies at a market then that is not 
| âlegitimate employmentâ (and an offence) 
| therefore if that person is claiming 
| benefits, itâs hardly benefit fraud as 
| they are not in gainful employment in 
| regards to legitimacy.


Davenport & Lyons/ACS Law to get their very own warning letter?

,----[ Quote ]
| I digress.  I refer you back to my article 
| here where I propose the Digital Economy 
| Bill be changed as I think that this type 
| of conflict will only become bigger and 
| more costly as a government imposed 3 
| strikes policy investigates an area which 
| in my view requires so many resources to 
| be fair and effective that it will do more 
| harm than good.  Letâs face it, if the 
| âexpertsâ can find themselves referred to 
| the SRA, what hope is there for anyone 
| else?
| I keep repeating myself when I write about 
| this topic and it seems always a case of 
| one step forward two steps back.  Whilst 
| it seems to me we also have FACT basking 
| in the glory of removing DVD sellers from 
| the streets, the real issue, the real 
| damage to the industry in being done 
| online by the file-sharer.  Even the price 
| of a âpirateâ DVD canât compete with free 
| file sharing, especially when the material 
| is often newer and far better quality than 
| the things you can buy at a âdodgyâ 
| market. â Food for thought that not only 
| do the entertainment industry suffer as a 
| result of file sharing, but also your 
| average pirate DVD seller on the street!



Open Source Maps Are Helping the World Bank Save Lives in Haiti

,----[ Quote ]
| The humanitarian relief effort underway in
| Haiti is proving the true potential of open
| source map building. Don't take my word for
| it, follow the Tweets and blogs of my friend
| Schuyler Erle. He's on the ground in Port-
| au-Prince along with Tom Buckley, a
| developer of mapmaking program GeoCommons
| Maker. The pair are advising the World Bank
| on the use of crowd-sourced mapping,
| primarily through the open-source program
| OpenStreetMap, in the relief and recovery
| effort in Haiti. They are also dealing with
| rain, illness, PowerBar meals, World Bank
| contacts snowbound back in DC, and
| bureaucratic alphabet soup.

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