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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Government/USDOJ Insider Scott Charney Sickens People With Arrogant Remarks

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Government/USDOJ Insider Scott Charney Sickens People With Arrogant Remarks
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 10:04:33 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft: Blow Me

,----[ Quote ]
| In short, these machines are infested (not 
| infected, infested) because their 
| operating system has historically been 
| full of security holes (this has improved, 
| especially in Windows 7, to be fair.) 
| So what does Microsoft propose? 
| So who would foot the bill? "Maybe markets 
| will make it work," Charney said. But an 
| Internet usage tax might be the way to go. 
| "You could say it's a public safety issue 
| and do it with general taxation," he said.
| That's nice. 
| Sell an insecure operating system and then 
| get someone else to pay a tax because they 
| bought an arguably-defective product you 
| sold? 
| How about this instead Microsoft? 
| For each computer infested, the publisher 
| of the operating system sold to that user 
| is assessed a fine of US $100,000 by the 
| Department of Justice.


Should an Internet Tax Pay for Cybersecurity?

,----[ Quote ]
| Most opponents of a tax would say that 
| software companies should be responsible 
| for paying, since it's their 
| responsibility to develop a safe product. 
| Indeed, some criticize Microsoft for 
| advocating a tax as an excuse to spend 
| less of their own money developing safer 
| software.


Microsoft's Ideas for Making PCs Safer


Microsoft's Scott Charney Calls For Disrupting Cybercrime Activities


Microsoft Security Chief proposes taxes to protect the Internet 


Microsoft moots digital healthcare tax


Microsoft's Ideas for Making PCs Safer


Say It Ain't So, Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe Microsoft Vice President for 
| Trustworthy Computing Scott Charney wanted 
| to see if his audience was really awake. 
| Maybe he entered a time warp and thought 
| it was April 1st. Maybe someone gave him a 
| funny cookie. Or maybe he really didn't 
| think it would be sheer lunacy to suggest 
| levying an Internet tax on Americans to 
| pay for cybersecurity.
| [...]
| What Were You Thinking, Scott?
| Not satisfied with blaming and seeking to 
| punish the victim, Charney then went on to 
| suggest the imposition of a tax on 
| Internet users to ensure cybersecurity.
| "You could say it's a public safety issue 
| and do it with general taxation," he said.
| Really, Scott? Why should we the users pay 
| for the ineptness of software vendors? And 
| please, don't give me that tired routine 
| about the bad guys being out there always 
| looking for flaws.
| Let's take an analogy from real life. When 
| you're a kid your parents tell you the 
| rules for living safely. Don't talk to 
| strangers or take candy from them. Look 
| both ways before you cross the street. 
| Don't walk down dark streets or alleys at 
| night. Never walk between a parked van and 
| the wall, especially at night. Keep your 
| doors locked.


No Microsoft, an 'Net tax' won't stop botnets


Microsoftâs Toyota Letter

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is not the only company that 
| could fall victim to this proposed 
| increase in standards. Imagine the results 
| of temporary outages for network apps such 
| as Google Docs, and if the same rules 
| applied to purchased applications, email 
| servers, or Internet browsers, there would 
| be a lot of companies facing a great deal 
| more stress over compensation packages- 
| availability of Open Office to all Google 
| Doc users until the system was repairs, or 
| an automatic forwarding of all emails to 
| another email address for all users while 
| email hosts repair their issues, not to 
| mention the millions of dollars spent by 
| companies in an effort to save face and 
| maintain the company reputation.



Taxing every citizen for Microsoft Windows problems? Are we insane?

,----[ Quote ]
| Just when you think you've heard
| everything, something new arrives. Two
| years ago, we heard that half a million
| computers are infected with malicious bots
| every day (a "bot" is a software program
| that enters your computer from the Internet
| or inside infected files, then runs in the
| background to steal your data, send spam or
| wreak havoc in some other way).
| This is a huge problem both because we
| depend on digital data in too many ways to
| explain them here (but you may read about
| them in the Open Government Book) and
| because of environmental reasons. According
| to a McAfee report published in May 2009
| the amount of energy used every year to
| transmit, process and filter spam would be
| enough to power 2.4 million homes, with the
| same Greenhouse Gas emissions as 3.1
| million passenger cars.
| On March 2nd, 2010, Microsoft Corporate
| Vice President for Trustworthy Computing
| Scott Charney spoke at a computer security
| conference about this very theme, that is
| how to fight the damages caused by
| computers infected by bots (or "malware").
| According to the summary published on
| ComputerWorld, Mr Charney started
| correctly. He pointed out that, just as
| there are quarantine programs for people
| with  infective diseases, the same thing
| should happen with people who have
| computers infected by malware but, for any
| reasons, won't fix them up as soon as
| possible: such people should not be allowed
| to go online until their computer is clean
| and safe.


Microsoft's Laugh-a-Minute Show Continues

,----[ Quote ]
| Can you believe it? Microsoft's lousy
| programming has caused billions of pounds
| worth of damage to the global economy in
| terms of downtime, lost files (and probably
| blood pressure problems) and it has the
| bare-faced cheek to suggest there should be
| an âInternet usage taxâ on everyone
| (including GNU/Linux users) to pay for the
| rectification of its mistakes? No wonder
| Scott Charney has the humorous and
| manifestly self-contradictory title of
| âMicrosoft Corporate Vice President for
| Trustworthy Computingâ....


Windows Security Gets Boost from ClamAV

,----[ Quote ]
| The open source ClamAV project is often
| used on servers as a way to scan and secure
| e-mail gateways and Windows file shares.
| Now ClamAV is coming to the Windows desktop
| too, by way of the cloud.


Typical Windows user patches every 5 days

,----[ Quote ]
| 75 Microsoft, third-party patch events each
| year are a burden most users can't bear,
| says Secunia


Windows: New, improved & more insecure than ever

,----[ Quote ]
| Honest to God I don't go around trying to
| pick on Windows for its security problems,
| but the hackers keep finding new ways to
| break into it. And, this time, they've
| found a doozie. Berend-Jan Wever, aka
| "Skylined," a Google security software
| engineer has busted DEP (data execution
| prevention), one of the few significant
| security improvements Microsoft has made to
| Windows.
| DEP, which was added to Windows back in
| August 2004 in XP SP2. It addressed the
| very common hacking technique of buffer
| overflows. In a buffer overflow attack, a
| malicious program tries to overwrite the
| buffer, the amount of memory a program has
| been allocated for running its code in. By
| so doing, a buffer overflow overwrites
| memory that may or may not have been
| allocated to other programs. In either
| case, it can then use this overwritten
| memory for its own purposes. Usually this
| means running malware or even taking over
| the computer itself.


One-third of Security Essentials users infected: Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Almost a third of the customers who have
| installed Microsoft's free Security
| Essentials software have been found to be
| suffering from major malware infections.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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