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[News] How Microsoft et al Bribe Analysts and Firms ('Sponsor') to Lie About Market Share

  • Subject: [News] How Microsoft et al Bribe Analysts and Firms ('Sponsor') to Lie About Market Share
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 22:34:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Oh Linux, how shall I count thy installs? 

,----[ Quote ]
| I have also heard it said that 76.3% of 
| people believe that you put a percentage 
| sign behind any random number they will 
| believe it to be true.
| Research and marketing companies especially 
| love statistics. That is how they make 
| their money by providing the numbers to 
| make their paying customers feel good. Yet 
| there is the old adage GIGO, which means 
| Garbage In, Garbage Out. It seems to me 
| that just about all of the numbers 
| regarding operating system installs fall 
| into that GIGO category.
| Of course bloggers, journalists and article 
| writers take those numbers and spin them 
| into fanciful stories for their readers to 
| eat up like so many cream puffs. These 
| fevered outpourings of fanatical minds are 
| often used to show how their operating 
| system has the most market share and 
| consequently is the bees knees and of 
| course everyone should be using it.
| Where do these statistics come from? Most 
| of the time it comes from sales data 
| provided by the companies supplying the 
| operating systems and this is where the 
| problem lies. This is because while 
| companies of proprietary operating systems 
| actually rent their products, open source 
| operating systems are not. So any 
| statistics regarding operating system 
| market share are automatically bogus and 
| can only be used for FUD campaigns.


sites that are not included in those Microsoft-sponsored aggregators:

February Market Share Report

,----[ Quote ]
| Operating System 	on WWWUSE 	on W3Counter
| Windows XP 	28.00% 	53.60%
| Linux 		20.00% 	1.55%
| Windows 7 	18.00% 	10.66%
| Windows Vista 	16.00% 	20.07%
| Mac OS X 		13.00% 	8.12%
| Unknown 		3.00% 	under 1%
| Windows 2003 	1.00% 	1.01%
| iPhone OSX 	0.60% 	0.75%
| Android 	0.20% 	0.10%
| Windows 2000 	0.10% 	0.43%
| All Microsoft 	63.10% 	85.77%
| All no Microsoft 	36.80% 	14.23%



Where do you find the worldâs fastest supercomputers?

,----[ Quote ]
| Most popular supercomputer OS
| Here below you can see the division by
| operating system family across the top 500
| supercomputers.
|    1. Linux (89.2%)
|    2. Unix (5.0%)
|    3. Mixed (4.6%)
|    4. Windows (1.0%)
|    5. BSD based (0.2%)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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