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[News] GNU/Linux as the Choice for Those Who Love Choice

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux as the Choice for Those Who Love Choice
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 22:36:46 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Windows: Choice But No Choice

,----[ Quote ]
| In the area of window managers Linux users 
| are completely and totally spoiled rotten. We 
| constantly debate the merits of one desktop 
| environment/window manager over another. We 
| argue over what programs are better than 
| others, what versions of those programs we 
| like over another and getting in world class 
| pissing contests all the while crying about 
| what we wish they would do better or 
| differently. I wish Windows users had this 
| problem, but they don't. Why? Because they 
| have no choice.
| [...]
| We have gotten fat on the bounty of choices 
| and drunk with the power of functionality 
| they provide us. Go use a generic NT, 2000 or 
| XP setup for a week and then try and tell me 
| that KDE, GNOME, Xfce, Enlightenment etc. are 
| really that much better or worse than each 
| other. Because compared to the Microsoft 
| window manager in any version of Windows, any 
| Linux window manager blows it away.


TSO Explainedââ

,----[ Quote ]
| As I was going through some basic features 
| supported by TCP, I came across the TSO 
| feature which look very simple and has a very 
| elgent design and implemnetation in Linux.



Software Choices, Blocking

,----[ Quote ]
| I had a TEDTalk recommended to me a few
| months ago called âThe Paradox of Choiceâ and
| itâs one of those must read books for people
| who want to do effective UI design. Itâs a
| very good scientific explanation of why
| presenting users with millions of choices is
| a bad idea.
| [...]
| Take for instance the number of choices
| available on Gnome Look for window decoration
| and themes. The problem is that there are
| thousands of possible themes to choose from
| and no matter what you pick, none of them are
| going to be perfect.


Contributing Upstream: An Editorial

,----[ Quote ]
| The foundations of Linux, with how it has
| been developed and when we look at the Debian
| model on which Ubuntu is based, the
| contributions of developers by and large are
| because of their common interests and a
| willingness to accept conceptualizations. In
| recently viewing an interview with Mark
| Shuttleworth these contributions were stated.
| Passing on the valor per-say to that
| foundation and the current developers engaged
| in the Ubuntu project.


Linux Distro hunting

,----[ Quote ]
| Basically the bases I need covered are,
|     * Low profile, able to run in small amount
|     of RAM
|     * Fast booting
|     * Python
|     * Firefox 3.x, Opera 10.x or Chromium
|     browser
|     * Mplayer or similar for video playback


Too Many Linux Distributions?

,----[ Quote ]
| NOT. No thanks. I want to live in a world
| where I have a choice. Where Jake can come
| along and tell me about a Linux distribution
| that I have never heard of before, but which
| is so right for his needs that he gets all
| excited in writing about it. A world where one
| of the major Linux distributions can stumble,
| and either make a major mistake, or just take
| a couple of years to get out the next version,
| and all the others just keep moving ahead, so
| I can use whichever one works best for me at
| the time.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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