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[News] Virnetx Gives Microsoft Taste of Own Poison, Blu-ray Named a "Cartel"

  • Subject: [News] Virnetx Gives Microsoft Taste of Own Poison, Blu-ray Named a "Cartel"
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 20:49:47 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Microsoft battles an alleged patent troll 

,----[ Quote ]
| SOFTWARE BULLY Microsoft threw its toys out 
| of the pram in court yesterday at the 
| beginning of the jury trial against 
| Virnetx.
| According to the Seatle PI, the Vole said 
| that Virnetx only existed to sue it and 
| would collapse if the court case failed.
| In his opening statement, Virnetx attorney 
| Douglas Cawley told the jury that the 
| inventors of an automatic vitual private 
| network (VPN) technology for the CIA, SAIC 
| employees Edmund "Gif" Munger and Bob 
| Short, obtained patents and shopped around, 
| trying to get companies to purchase their 
| technology.


Blu-ray licensing cartel starts operation 

,----[ Quote ]
| AFTER HAVING LAUNCHED exclusively by a few 
| companies, Blu-ray is about to be licensed 
| to the world plus dog but don't expect 
| prices to drop.
| [...]
| Interested parties are also free to 
| negotiate separate license agreements, 
| rather than taking a single portfolio 
| license, with each of the four companies, 
| which have committed to provide such 
| licenses for their respective essential 
| patents under fair, reasonable and 
| nondiscriminatory terms and conditions., 
| the outfit said.



Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch Defends Flash, Warns HTML5 Will Throw The Web âBack
To The Dark Ages Of Videoâ

,----[ Quote ]
| Adobeâs Flash technology has been taking a
| beating lately. Apple still wonât support it
| on its upcoming iPad or its iPhone. Steve
| Jobs calls it buggy and crash-prone and
| dismisses Adobe as being lazy. Adobe is
| trying to fight the negative vibes emanating
| from Cupertino and elsewhere. It has already
| pointed out that it will be easy to convert
| Flash apps into iPad apps, and now CTO Kevin
| Lynch is weighing in to defend Flash.

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