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Re: [News] GNU/Linux Desktop With Memory Footprint of 18 MB, IdeaCentre with GNU/Linux

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____/ JeffM on Wednesday 10 Mar 2010 20:26 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>|a full-workload memory footprint of less than 18Mb
>>|and taking up around 1Gb of hard drive space
> I do wish kmandla would learn the difference between b and B.
> I also wonder if that blogger's gender
> might be different from the one some assume.
>> Giving life back to an OLD laptop
>>|Pentium 120, 32 MB ram, 4 GB Hard.
> All items Roy has included are cool examples
> of longevity of hardware--if you pick the right software meme.

I still have some old boxes running Linux, but not *that* old. The need for
mobility 'forces' people to develop some light environments (force of the market).

>>Antique Linux on an Antique PC
> Someone else who doesn't understand
> the case-sensitivity of SI units.
> Note to Roy:  That link redirects to
> http://crashedpips.com/wordpress/2009/04/12/antique-linux-on-an-antique-pc/
> (or is that just this side of the pond?)

I found this link in TuxMachines, IIRC. It might be doing some localisation (I'm in the UK).

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Life is too short to proofread"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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