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[News] Tablets with Android/Linux Are Coming Cheaply

  • Subject: [News] Tablets with Android/Linux Are Coming Cheaply
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 23:48:56 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Android - the winning formula for tablets and netbooks?

,----[ Quote ]
| What might the iPad have been? Apple 
| announced it as a Magical and Revolutionary 
| Device, defining "an entirely new category". 
| But it actually only addresses a small part 
| of the yawning gap between mobile handsets 
| and notebook computers, where there's still 
| a lot of defining to be done. There's space 
| there for dramatically different 
| reimaginations of the iPhone, for counter-
| attacks from handset companies, and for 
| diverse devices based on Google's Android.


$200 Freescale Tablet Runs Android, Chromium OS or Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Remember the Freescale Smart Tablet from CES 
| earlier this year? Well its returned with a 
| range of compatible operating systems which 
| now includes Android, Chromium OS or Linux.


Prototype $200 Tablet Runs Android, Chromium OS, Linux 

,----[ Quote ]
| It canât touch the form factor of the iPad 
| or some other tablet devices, but a $200 
| device that runs the open source Linux, 
| Android or Chrome operating systems might 
| just find a place in the already-crowded 
| tablet world. 



Freescaleâs $200 tablet will support Chromium, Android and Linux OSes

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this year at CES, Freescale
| revealed a $200 smartbook tablet reference
| design that they were shopping around to
| partners.
| It was a beautiful tablet for the price,
| powered by a 1GHz i.MX515 ARM processo.
| Other specs included 512MB of DDR2 RAM, a
| 1,024 x 600 multitouch screen, between 4GB
| to 64GB of internal storage, a microSD
| expansion slot, optional 3G WWAN module,
| 802.11b/g/n WiFi, Bluetooth 2.1, GPS, a USB
| 2.0 socket, audio in / out, 3 megapixel
| camera, inbuilt 3-axis accelerometer, an
| ambient light sensor and a 1,900mAh
| battery.


HTC Touch Pro2 Runs Ubuntu Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| This is probably another development that
| Microsoft wonât be too happy about, but
| itâs not like they can stop you from
| tinkering with your phone, right? Now,
| after the HTC Touch HD has been hacked to
| run Android, weâve got wind of a HTC Touch
| Pro2 running Ubuntu Linux 8.04. Of course,
| the OS is really meant for laptops and
| desktops, but again, nobody can stop you
| from having some fun, right?

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