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[News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.04: Improvements Discussed

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.04: Improvements Discussed
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 16:06:13 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

I Never Realizedâ 

,----[ Quote ]
| âthat this part of my desktop could feel so sleek:


Lucid Sound Applet Gets Improved

,----[ Quote ]
| One of Benjamin Humphrey's "16 things to 
| improve in Ubuntu 10.04" concerned Lucid's 
| new-look sound applet - a small, square, 
| inconsistent little box. 


Ubuntu 10.04 Icons Re-Coloured Purple...

,----[ Quote ]
| With the familiar brown tones of Ubuntu of 
| yore being replaced with vibrant purple hues 
| in the recent re-branding, the 
| 'purplification' of the default icon set had 
| to occur sooner or later. 


Preview posted of Ubuntu 10.04 installer slideshow, leaves out Music Store

,----[ Quote ]
| Among the other improvements, tweaks, and 
| retoolings headed to Ubuntu 10.04, the 
| Ubiquity installer slideshow appears set for 
| an update.



VMware shops now eligible for free SpringSource tc Server licenses

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, NPC runs three tc Server instances in 
| an Ubuntu Linux VM, where each VM is 
| configured with just 2 GB or 3 GB of RAM. 
| When performance is a problem, "there is no 
| limit, you just add another VMware box," 
| Brisbin said, adding that "the more I spread 
| out the load, the more users I can support."


An insight into wrangles in the Ubuntu community

,----[ Quote ]
| If there had been some sordid attempt to try 
| and push Draper out of the Ubuntu community, 
| the group which has congregated around the 
| most widely used GNU/Linux distribution, 
| then it was worth a story. But a little 
| digging came up with something entirely 
| different.



Ubuntu 10.04 To Hang Onto Old Intel Driver

,----[ Quote ]
| With Ubuntu 10.04 being a Long-Term Support
| (LTS) release, Canonical is just going to
| stick with Lucid Lynx being the last release
| where Intel user-space mode-setting is
| supported, albeit for most Intel users you
| will still be greeted by a KMS experience,
| just with an older driver and many back-
| ported patches. This decision was shared on
| the ubuntu-x mailing list.


Ubuntu 10.04 Gets New Logout Dialogues

,----[ Quote ]
| Did you ever get annoyed by the
| restart/logout/shutdown countdown timers
| that presented themselves in previous Ubuntu
| releases?
| [...]
| All three main 'session' dialogues have been
| reworded thus allowing the user to make an
| informed choice as to whether the action
| selected it the one they want.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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