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[News] Mandriva Updates, PCLinuxOS 2010 Beta Gets Another Fantastic Review

  • Subject: [News] Mandriva Updates, PCLinuxOS 2010 Beta Gets Another Fantastic Review
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 22:26:23 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Mandriva Family

,----[ Quote ]
| Noteworthy Mandriva Cooker changes Mar 1 - 
| 14
|     * GNOMEâs development release has 
|     reached version 2.29.92, bringing 
|     mostly bug fixes.
|     * Also KDE got many bug fixes thanks to 
|     the new 4.4.1 version.
|     * Devicekit-disks and devicekit-power 
|     have been replaced by udisks and 
|     upower. gnome-disk-utility now makes 
|     use of upower instead of Hal, and 
|     brings
|     * The OpenShot movie editor reached 
|     version 1.1 final., bringing improved 
|     performance


PCLinuxOS 2010 Beta 1: A First Look

,----[ Quote ]
| NOT wishing to pass full judgement on a 
| distro until it has reached its final 
| release stage - it is not fair on the 
| developers - I nevertheless thought it 
| might be useful to offer some early, 'First 
| Look' observations about PCLinuxOS 2010.
| [...]
| PCLOS 2010 played my test audio CD in Kscd 
| without any issues but the Dragon media 
| player fell over twice when trying and 
| failing to play my commercial DVD movie; I 
| suspect this was probably linked to the 
| absence of the libdvdcss, though I must 
| admit to not yet having checked this out.
| So, the early signs for PCLOS 2010 are very 
| good - menu issues aside - and I'm very 
| much looking forward to the full release.



PCLinuxOS 2010 beta - fantastic!

,----[ Quote ]
| Setting up my HP wireless printer/scanner
| was also painless, that took me days of
| bashing my head against the keyboard
| fighting with the hplip drivers in 11.2,
| where it wouldn't work if you selected the
| printer the software discovered, you had to
| enter the IP manually. Plus PCLOS set the
| scanner part up automatically, that has to
| be done seperately in 11.2.


PCLinuxOS 2010 mini review

,----[ Quote ]
| If you are looking for a Linux distro
| specialized for the common everyday desktop
| computer then PCLOS is the number one
| choice. Like the much advertised MacOSX,
| PCLOS is ready to do every fun stuff, like
| watch online videos, download files using
| torrents, do some photo editing make DVD
| slideshows etc., right after install. PCLOS
| 2010 is the first release featuring KDE 4 as
| default desktop. Despite using KDE 4, the
| PCLOS architects have managed to maintain
| the original and unique style of this great
| distro. Though KDE4 series is radically
| different from KDE 3, an average Joe user
| who installs PCLOS 2010 wouldn't be able to
| tell the difference. I think this would
| greatly help in KDE 4 adoption among more
| and more people. I am looking forward for
| the final release to install on my ASUS Nova
| lite mini desktop at home which is currently
| running PCLOS 2009.


PCLinuxOS 2010 Beta 1

,----[ Quote ]
| I have been looking at PCLinuxOS 2010 Beta 1
| because I like the rolling release concept
| and PCLinuxOS does keep things rolling. I
| have the beta installed on a system with an
| NVidea GeForce 220 GT and an HP HDMI 25"
| wide screen flat panel display, this
| combination is very problematic for most
| distribution but has no issues of any kind
| in the beta. Plymouth is installed by
| default, it does not currently work from the
| Live CD but works fine in the installed
| system. Plymouth will work on the Live CD
| for the final release and this was presented
| as a known issue. The Plymouth issue is
| minor and it gave me the opportunity to see
| that there were no errors at start up.


Mandriva displays its products at the 2010 Solutions Linux exhibition

,----[ Quote ]
| Paris, March 10th, 2010 - Mandriva, Europe's
| leading Linux solutions publisher, will
| display its latest products at the 2010
| Solutions Linux exhibition, from March 16 to
| 18 at the porte de Versailles Exhibition
| Centre â Hall 1 â Stand E 29.


PCLinuxOS 2010 Rocks Even in the Beta Stage

,----[ Quote ]
| The wait is over! Tex and the Rippers
| announced PCLinuxOS 2010 on 6th March,
| 2010. Final iso is very close.
| PCLinuxOS-2010.beta1 has gathered all the
| goodies: latest kernel with BFS
| scheduler, full ext4 support, KDE 4.4.1 SC
| and the latest applications. Besides, users
| having more than 4Gig of RAM can pull in a
| PAE kernel from the repo.


PCLinuxOS 2010 Beta 1 released

,----[ Quote ]
| PCLinuxOS Logo The PCLinuxOS developers
| have announced the release of the first
| beta for the 2010 edition of their Linux
| distribution. The distribution's goal is to
| be "radically simple" and easy to use. The
| latest development release includes a
| number of changes and updates.


PCLinuxOS 2010 beta review

,----[ Quote ]
| Once upon a time, PCLinuxOS was the biggest
| desktop distro. It came from nowhere
| straight to the top, beating Ubuntu and
| other big distros.


PCLinuxOS-2010-beta1.iso release information

,----[ Quote ]
| PCLinuxOS-2010.beta1 features kernel
| utilizing the BFS scheduler for maximum
| desktop performance on i686 and up computers.
| This kernel supports up to 4 gigs of memory.
| A PAE kernel is available from the Synaptic
| Package Manager providing up to 64 gig of
| memory suppport. In addition ext4 support is
| also available.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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