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[News] Free/Libre Application News for GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] Free/Libre Application News for GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 21:53:33 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Eye of GNOME gets helpful when viewing wallpaper images 

,----[ Quote ]
| The default image viewer in Ubuntu, Eye of 
| GNOME, now offers up a helpful dialogue 
| when viewing a picture that has been set as 
| your desktop wallpaper.


Gedit want a new logo


Quanta Plus review

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, we see Quanta Plus as a web 
| development tool thatâs almost there. Given 
| some more time and a steady growth to its 
| user base, this software can become the 
| best free alternative to the IDEs that cost 
| hundreds of dollars.


Nicer thumbnail borders coming to a Nautilus near you


Debreate - A Debian package builder for debian based systems 

,----[ Quote ]
| Debreate is a graphical utility to aid in 
| the creation of Debian packages. It 
| automates packaging, so there is no need to 
| create a build tree, Debreate will 
| automatically construct one and build the 
| .deb.


Rhythmbox 0.12.8

,----[ Quote ]
| Huzzah! New version of Rhythmbox is 
| released with lots of bug fixes and other 
| goodies!
| Rhythmbox holds a special place in my 
| heart: not only is it the best Linux audio 
| player Iâve ever used (and Iâve tried every 
| one Iâve ever ran across), but itâs one of 
| those driving forces that keep me 
| motivated.


dockapps: Everything old is new again

,----[ Quote ]
| I could spend most of the day just sifting 
| through dockapps.org. Iâll admit that a lot 
| of them look a bit outdated, but some of 
| them are quite smooth. I mentioned two a 
| lo-o-ong time ago that are still very 
| attractive â wmhdplop and wmforkplop.


Gwibber in Lucid: Adding More Columns

,----[ Quote ]
| Short post to help people get the most out 
| of Gwibber as a lot of readers keep asking 
| me âHow I got a âmultiple columns/tweetdeck 
| styleâ Gwibber?â.


Library for reading and writing Quicktime files (utilities). 

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the home of libquicktime, a library 
| for reading and writing quicktime/avi/mp4 
| files. It provides convenient access to 
| quicktime files with a variety of supported 
| codecs. 


Esfera: A fascinating UI concept for window management in Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| As a writer, I can instantly see the 
| benefit of having access to the back side 
| of a window. As a consultant and 
| administrator, the perks of this idea are 
| also readily apparent (imagine slapping a 
| network diagram on the back of the Network 
| Manager tool on your Ubuntu serverâyou 
| would never forget where that diagram is).
| Of course what this very idea does (besides 
| open up huge possibilities) is showcase the 
| flexibility and open nature of the Linux 
| operating system. It is this sort of 
| thinking that keeps Linux at the forefront 
| of innovation. And these types of ideas 
| will continue to make the Linux desktop the 
| single most impressive desktop available.


8 of the Best Free Linux Astrology Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Astrology is a set of traditions, beliefs 
| and systems which hold that there is a 
| connection between the movement of heavenly 
| bodies and events that take place on Earth 
| such as human affairs, and personality. 
| Astrologists use the position of the 
| planets to try to predict future events, 
| and to inform the psychological 
| understanding of an individual's psyche.


Histwi â A Desktop Twitter Account Management App for Linux


5 'Great' Open-source Desktop Security Applications 

,----[ Quote ]
| GnuPG & Gpg4winGNU Privacy is a free 
| software encryption application that is a 
| product of the Free Software Foundation's 
| GNU Software project. GnuPG provides a 
| complete free software implementation of 
| the OpenPGP standard RFC4880, making it 
| interoperable with other OpenPGP complaint 
| systems. Out of the box GnuPG provides a 
| command line interface (CLI) with numerous 
| optional graphical add-ons available for 
| nearly all platforms. 


Analyze and fix what ails your music files with MP3 Diags

,----[ Quote ]
| Chances are you sometimes come across an 
| MP3 file that wonât play properly or does 
| something quirky in your favorite music 
| player. You can try ripping or downloading 
| the file again, or you can fix the problem 
| yourself with MP3 Diags. This utility has 
| two main goals: See whatâs inside MP3 files 
| and identify errors and potential issues, 
| and change MP3 files to conform to 
| standards and contain all the useful 
| information they are supposed to contain.


Prey Tracks Your Stolen Laptop So You Can Get it Back

,----[ Quote ]
| Prey is licensed under the GPLv3 license 
| and available for free download from the 
| project's Web site.


FatRat Is An Amazing Linux Download Manager [Ubuntu PPA Included]

,----[ Quote ]
| FatRat comes with many very interesting 
| options. For one, it can download from 
| HTTP(S)/FTP, RapidShare free and even 
| YouTube. But FatRat can also download 
| torrents, (it has BitTorrent support) has 
| RSS feed support + special functions for TV 
| shows and podcasts, support for SOCKS5 and 
| HTTP proxies and even remote control via 
| Jabber and a web interface and of course, a 
| scheduler. FatRat has way to many options 
| to list them here so check it out for 
| yourself by installing FatRat (instructions 
| further down).


Memtest â An Awesome Tool To Test Your Computerâs Memory For Errors

,----[ Quote ]
| First off you need to download Memtest and 
| I would suggest burning the bootable ISO 
| image onto a CD. That is perhaps the 
| easiest way to use Memtest. Owing to its 
| popularity and usefulness, Memtest is also 
| included on a number of Live CDs including 
| the likes of Ubuntu and System Rescue CD.


Applications and bundled libraries

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla is moving to a different release 
| model, which may necessitate distribution 
| changes. The idea is to include feature 
| upgrades as part of minor releasesâmany of 
| which are done to fix security flawsâwhich 
| would come out every 4-6 weeks or so. Major 
| releases would be done at roughly six-month 
| intervals and older major releases would 
| stop being supported soon after a 
| subsequent release. Though the plan is 
| controversialâparticularly merging security 
| and features into the minor releasesâit may 
| work well for Mozilla, and the bulk of 
| Mozilla's users who are on Windows. 


6 of the Best Free Linux HDR Imaging Software

,----[ Quote ]
| High dynamic range imaging (HDR) is an 
| important technology for photographers. It 
| is a collection of techniques that allow a 
| wider dynamic range of luminances between 
| the lightest and darkest areas of an image.


Get to know Linux: AppArmor

,----[ Quote ]
| Youâve heard that Linux is a very secure 
| operating system. Youâve heard itâs 
| practically immune to viruses (practically 
| being the key word). Youâve heard itâs 
| tough to crack. These are all trueâand with 
| good reason. Linux is such a strong 
| operating system for two primary reasons â 
| by design and with the help of security 
| systems like AppArmor and SELinux.


How a little varnish changed my life

,----[ Quote ]
| I got from a rotten 6 requests per second 
| with WordPress to a whopping 9500! If 
| youâre on Linux and running Apache, 
| installing varnish is a breeze! Especially 
| if youâre hosting a well cacheable site 
| like a blog.
| Iâm running on a Linux Debian virtual 
| server (provided by Kabisa) with 1 VCPU 
| core and 512MB of memory. Nothing fancy.


Scite Open Source Text Editor


Jabbing with Coccinella

,----[ Quote ]
| Although its name sounds like that of a 
| bacterium, Coccinella is a nice cross-
| platform open source Jabber client. While 
| Jabber, and IM clients in general, are a 
| dime a dozen, Coccinella sports a few nifty 
| features that make it worth considering if 
| your are in the market for a Jabber client.


Ailurus 10.03.2 is available for use.

,----[ Quote ]
| Ailurus makes Linux easier to use. You can 
| study Linux skills, install some nice 
| applications and change GNOME settings by 
| this small application.


The VideoLan Movie Creator, VLMC 0.0.1 for Linux to be released after VLC 1.1

,----[ Quote ]
| Please note that this first public release 
| of VLMC 0.0.1 is going to be a preview 
| release, so there is still a whole lot to 
| come. Here is the release schedule as 
| planned by VLMC developers during FOSDEM 
| 2010.
|     * February 17th: Feature Freezet
|     * March 3rd: String Freeze
|     * March 24th: Release (only for win32 
|     as of now).


Reviewed: VueScan 8.6.10

,----[ Quote ]
| Can it be true: is this really a piece of 
| scanning software that can recognise your 
| scanner first time? On Linux? Read on for 
| our verdict on this commercial scanning 
| program that provides an impressive amount 
| of control over the picture-grabbing 
| process...
| [...]
| Our verdict: There simply isn't anything to 
| compare with it on Linux, or possibly any 
| other platform you may choose. 9/10


NetworkManager vs wicd vs wpa_gui

,----[ Quote ]
| Due to some idle time* a couple of weeks 
| ago, here's a quick comparison between a 
| few network control tools for Linux.
| These tools all give you some sort of 
| network control from the Desktop - a 
| service traditionally provided by daemons 
| and initialisation scripts.  The problem 
| with that is roaming - it's much more 
| common nowadays to have a laptop travel 
| between multiple access points (Ethernet, 
| 802.11, wireless broadband...) and many of 
| the tasks can be automated.  So what better 
| way to use a point-and-click approach.


RedNotebookâAdvanced Diary Keeping

,----[ Quote ]
| RedNotebook is a graphical diary and 
| journal helping you keep track of notes and 
| thoughts. It includes calendar navigation, 
| customizable templates, export 
| functionality and word clouds. You also can 
| format, tag and search your entries. 


Monitor Energy Saver

,----[ Quote ]
| Monitor ES basically helps computer users 
| save money (and the environment) by 
| reducing the amount of energy their 
| computer systems consumes.


Tech Tip: Caffeine for Your Monitor

,----[ Quote ]
| I am sure most of the people out there are 
| having trouble with their monitor going to 
| sleep or in screen saver mode while they 
| are watching movies or flash videos on 
| sites like hulu.


Giving Samba its due

,----[ Quote ]
| Today Samba is used world-wide by all sizes 
| and types of users and businesses. It has 
| won plenty of awards (including an award to 
| Andrew Tridgell from the Google OâReilly 
| Open Source Hall of Fame Awards), yet Samba 
| remains humbly in the background connecting 
| different operating systems together day in 
| and day out.


8 of the best free Twitter clients for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Who would have thought microblogging would 
| be so popular? 2009 was probably the 
| 'crossover' year for microblogging and 
| Twitter in particular, as high-profile 
| people started to massage their egos with 
| some online idolatry.


Q7z: Front end for Linux 7-Zip

,----[ Quote ]
| Compression is compression is compression. 
| Right? Wrong. There are some compression 
| utilities that eek out every drop of space 
| possible. On the Linux operating system the 
| standard is gzip or bunzip2. But if youâre 
| looking for one of the highest compression 
| ratios to be found you might want to turn 
| your sites to 7-Zip.  7-Zip is a free (even 
| for commercial usage) compression/archiving 
| utility that has its own compression 
| algorithm (LZMA â Lemple-Ziv-Markov chain 
| algorithm).
| Although 7-Zip is available for both 
| Windows and Linux, only the Windows port 
| has a GUI front end. This means, by 
| default, using 7-Zip in Linux requires the 
| use of commands. Normally this is fine, but 
| the 7-Zip commands can be fairly confusing 
| (even to the experienced user). Fortunately 
| 7-Zip does integrate well with the GNOME 
| and KDE desktops. And it has a front end 
| available. This front end is Q7z and was 
| not created nor is maintained by the makers 
| of 7-Zip.


7 of the Best Free Linux FTP Clients

,----[ Quote ]
| File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a popular 
| and time-honored method of transferring 
| files to and from a remote network site. 
| FTP is built on a client-server 
| architecture and uses separate control and 
| data connections between the client and 
| server applications. The FTP client 
| connects to the FTP server, and enables the 
| user to send and retrieves files from that 
| server.


Five Best IRC Clients for Linux 

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux users can choose from more IRC 
| clients than you can shake a stick at, 
| dozens of clients depending on how 
| expansive your definition is. To winnow it 
| down to a reasonable herd of clients, I 
| decided to rule out a couple of clients 
| that are undeniably awesome but not well-
| suited to many users. For instance, Emacs 
| has several clients, but if you're not 
| using Emacs then you're not going to want 
| to learn it just to use a nifty IRC client.


Radio Tray gives âlight listeningâ a whole new meaning!

,----[ Quote ]
| Another factor that led me to take Radio 
| Tray for a spin was that python is the 
| language dujour for its development and the 
| fairly small number of dependencies 
| involved in building it. In fact, if youâre 
| running one of the popular GNU/Linux 
| distributions out there, then you should 
| have all you need. Carlos has done a pretty 
| good job at keeping the code simple and 
| easy to follow, so anyone whoâs tinkered 
| with pygtk before can aspire to contribute 
| to the project. Those who have taken the 
| time to provide feedback and report issues 
| or file for new features will agree that 
| the level of attention to user satisfaction 
| is pretty high for such a young project!


5 really good music players for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| One thing youâve really got to admire about 
| the open source application ocean is the 
| wide availability of good, really good, 
| music players.


Gnome Gmail = Gmail + Gnome

,----[ Quote ]
| Despite its power and convenience, Gmail 
| has one serious limitation: the desktop 
| integration. The Gnome Gmail tool solves 
| this problem for users running the Gnome 
| desktop environment. 


Klavaro - Typing Tutor on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Klavaro is FREE and offers you an easy way 
| to learn to type quickly and correctly on a 
| keyboard. Every finger has its place on the 
| keyboard with associated keys to press.


BAR - Backup archiver program


Virtualization for Developers with VirtualBox


Virtual Control - Linux, VirtualBox and OS/2 or eComStation

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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