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[News] Call to End Microsoft's Illegal OEM Grip on Desktops

  • Subject: [News] Call to End Microsoft's Illegal OEM Grip on Desktops
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 10:03:53 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

A plea for relief from Microsoft's escalating anti-competitive tactics.

,----[ Quote ]
| For years the Microsoft corporation has 
| earned around 70% to 80% net profit from 
| sales of its operating systems and 
| application software. Only in areas like 
| Thailand where Linux on the desktop has 
| just begun to gain a foothold has Microsoft 
| stated that it will release versions of its 
| operating system platform and application 
| software at a lower price to Original 
| Equipment Manufactures (OEMs) and retail 
| consumers than is available in the rest of 
| the modern world. Consumers benefit where 
| real competition exists.


An Easy and Inexpensive Quad-Core System for Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The quad core processor especially makes a 
| difference for GNU/Linux users because most 
| of the time we are running a lot of 
| separate processes. These can be shared 
| over the available processors, achieving a 
| degree of parallelism. The most remarkable 
| thing, though, is that the 3D graphics and 
| sound software (often major headaches to 
| configure) appear to work exactly as they 
| should on this hardware.
| Everything clicks into place and works. The 
| worst problem so far has been a few lock-
| ups of the X windows system which might be 
| due to video driver issues (or it might 
| just be a flaky hard drive â the one weâre 
| using is pretty old. Weâre eventually going 
| to replace that).



Does the Windows ballot screen for choosing a browser represent meaningful progress in Europe?

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to the European Commission's
| antitrust like activities, European
| citizens will soon be presented with a
| ballot choice between twelve browsers when
| first using a newly purchased computer
| preloaded with the Microsoft Windows
| operating system.
| But is this really progress? It's not much
| of a choice when you have to give up your
| freedom first in order to select a browser
| -- a few of which might be free software.
| Why not give citizens the option of
| purchasing the computer with a free
| software operating system like GNU/Linux,
| or with no operating system at all? The
| best way to fight monopoly isn't to give
| more choices after the most basic premise
| of the monopoly has already been agreed to
| -- it's to let people opt out of the
| monopoly from the beginning.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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