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[News] FSF/GNU News and the Importance to Linux

  • Subject: [News] FSF/GNU News and the Importance to Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:21:24 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Are Linux and FSF complementary?

,----[ Quote ]
| What is Free Software Foundation then? Free 
| Software Foundation (FSF) happens to be a 
| non-profit corporation founded at the 
| behest of Richard Stallman on 4 October 
| 1985 and the main intention was to support 
| the free software movement, a copyleft-
| based movement with the sole objective to 
| encourage the universal freedom to forge, 
| disseminate and change computer software. 
| The FSF is incorporated in Massachusetts, 
| USA.
| Ever since its foundation in the mid 80s, 
| the organization has been working 
| relentlessly based on its sole dedication 
| to the cause. It should also be noted that 
| in agreement with its goals, only free 
| software is used on FSF's computers.
| What do we get from all these? The 
| descriptions of these two entities indicate 
| self-confident software scenario. However 
| there is also a question and this is rising 
| gradually. What is that? Many have started 
| to enquire whether the advocacy group has 
| been solely responsible behind the 
| exponential success of Linux.


Tech Comics: "Another Geek in a Bar"


grep-2.6 released [stable]


GNU Accessibility Statement

,----[ Quote ]
| Project GNU urges people working on free 
| software to follow standards and guidelines 
| for universal accessibility on GNU/Linux 
| and other free operating systems. Multi-
| platform projects should use the cross 
| platform accessibility interfaces available 
| that include GNU/Linux distributions and 
| the GNOME desktop. Project GNU also advises 
| developers of web sites to follow the 
| guidelines set forth by the World Wide Web 
| Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative.


[Stallman cartoon]


FSF announces Free Software Awards winners

,----[ Quote ]
| John Gilmore, one of the founders of Cygnus 
| Solutions and a co-founder of the 
| Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), won 
| this year's award for the Advancement of 
| Free Software. Gilmore, who also gave a 
| presentation at the conference on the 
| future goals of the free software movement, 
| said that, "Free software has been very 
| good to me, and I'm glad that I have been 
| good to it."


Free Software Awards Announced  

,----[ Quote ]
| The Free Software Foundation (FSF) 
| announced the winners of the annual free 
| software awards at a ceremony on Saturday 
| March 20, held during the LibrePlanet 
| conference at Harvard Science Center in 
| Cambridge, MA.
| The award for the Advancement of Free 
| Software was won by John Gilmore. The award 
| for Project of Social Benefit was won by 
| the Internet Archive. The awards were 
| presented by FSF president and founder 
| Richard M. Stallman.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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