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[News] How Microsoft Launches Antitrust Complaints Against GNU/Linux, Using OpenMainframe.org as Lobby

  • Subject: [News] How Microsoft Launches Antitrust Complaints Against GNU/Linux, Using OpenMainframe.org as Lobby
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 13:52:14 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Digging a Little Deeper into TurboHercules/IBM - OpenMainframe.org and Microsoft


- From Groklaw comments:

,----[ Quote ]
| I am purposefully not making these links 
| HTML clickable so there won't be
| referring clicks from Groklaw. You can copy 
| them into your browser to verify if
| you want to.
| The TurboHercules website is at http://www.turbohercules.com where it is clearly
| the right site, talking about the 
| TurboHercules emulator and founder Roger
| Bowler. The About Us page at http://www.turbohercules.com/about/ has their
| Paris, France address.
| At http://www.turbohercules.com/resources/permalink/turbohercules-overview/ is a
| link to the PDF of a whitepaper
| http://www.turbohercules.com/uploads/main/TurboHercules_Overview_1.pdf
| "TurboHercules Overview: A Quick Overview 
| of the TurboHercules System"
| which at the bottom of the cover page lists 
| the address "TurboHercules Inc.
| 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4200 Seattle, WA 98104"
| There is also a marketing brochure at
| http://www.turbohercules.com/uploads/main/Turbohercules_Brochure_IDF_1.pdf that
| has the same address. An interesting 
| snippet from it: "TurboHercules has
| approached IBM to consider making available 
| to its mainframe customers a license
| for IBM operating systems on the Hercules 
| platform. "

Of patents, open source, and IBM

,----[ Quote ]
| I just really can't see why IBM should be 
| singled out as patent public enemy number 
| one for open source because of this one 
| business dust-up. I also can't help notice, 
| as Pamela Jones of Groklaw recently pointed 
| out, that there's reason to believe that 
| TurboHercules isn't so much an open-source 
| company as it is a proxy, along with 
| OpenMainframe, in a battle between IBM and 
| Microsoft over cloud-computing.
| Again, I find myself asking, "Who's really 
| the open-source enemy here?" It's not IBM.


IBM and Linux: just a strategic interest 

,----[ Quote ]
| Both sides are wrong for one simple reason: 
| the people who run companies like IBM or 
| Microsoft or Novell or HP, do not have 
| friends or enemies. What they have is 
| strategic interests. That's all. 



Global CIO: IBM And Microsoft Clash Over Unbundling Policy

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM has lashed out at Microsoft and other
| competitors for funding a research study
| whose findings strongly advocate that IBM
| not be allowed in India to bundle its own
| operating systems and other software with
| the high-end servers IBM sells in that
| rapidly growing market.
| The flare-up is important because the call
| for unbundling could open the door for
| various companies to rush into the
| mainframe and high-end server businesses
| and be granted mandatory and wide-open
| access to new technologies that IBM alone
| has conceived, funded, developed, and
| deployed.


IBM Says Rivals Behind Anti-IBM Report in India

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM has slammed a report critical of the
| adoption of its mainframes in India, saying
| the report was driven by IBM competitors
| and has no credibility.
| The report was sponsored by
| OpenMainframe.org, an online forum for news
| and information related to creating an open
| market for IBM-compatible mainframe
| technologies.
| OpenMainframe.org is "bought and paid for"
| by Microsoft and other IBM competitors, so
| it's hardly surprising that it would make
| an anti-IBM argument, IBM said in a
| statement over the weekend.


Linux controls IBM mainframes

,----[ Quote ]
| Consolidation for everyone is IBM's stated
| reason for releasing a Linux version of its
| System z mainframe. The new Enterprise Linux
| Server (ELS)  is a stand-alone system
| specifically designed for Linux environments.
| According to IBM, the financial savings can be
| up to 80 per cent. Furthermore, a "save-as-you-
| grow" pricing model is intended to facilitate
| investment decisions by allowing customers to
| gradually purchase resources at considerably
| lower prices than that of a complete system.


IBM Introduces New Linux Servers for the System z Mainframe

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced new hardware,
| software and services packages to help clients
| consolidate and virtualize enterprise workloads
| on IBM System z. Included are two new
| enterprise Linux servers that provide
| attractive, off-the-shelf pricing and
| configurations for large-scale data center
| consolidation on Linux.
| IBM also announced two new offerings in its
| System z Solution Edition series that makes
| System z attractive to new workloads - such as
| data warehousing, electronic payments and
| disaster recovery - so clients can run a wider
| range of their business activities with the
| powerful reliability, transaction-processing
| capabilities, and management capabilities and
| efficiencies of IBM System z.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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