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[News] Linux Development Managed Mostly by Veterans, Not Young People

  • Subject: [News] Linux Development Managed Mostly by Veterans, Not Young People
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 22:46:09 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Linux Graybeards? Yes, But Also A Wisdom Circle 

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is in a strong marketplace position, 
| despite the graying of some of its key 
| maintainers, thanks to cloud computing and 
| other trends that favor it over Windows and 
| older versions of Unix, claimed Jim Zemlin, 
| executive director of The Linux Foundation.
| Zemlin didn't bring up the fact that key 
| maintainers of the Linux kernel are getting 
| older. That was for Jonathan Corbet, editor in 
| chief of the Linux Weekly News, to point out 
| later during a panel Wednesday at the Linux 
| Foundation Collaboration Summit, in San 
| Francisco. 


Linux Kernel Devs: We Need New Blood

,----[ Quote ]
| Morton does have a solution for the problem. 
| In his view, Linux kernel developers need to 
| document the work that they do better. He 
| wasn't talking about offline documentation, 
| but rather documentation within the code 
| itself. 



You Can't Control Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| 10 years ago, IBM had a single mission for
| Linux: Make it better. Now in 2010, IBM
| (NYSE:IBM) has a decade of experience in
| working to do just that, and is sharing its
| knowledge about how companies and developers
| can better participate in the Linux
| community.
| Speaking in a keynote session at the Linux
| Foundation's Collaboration Summit, Dan Frye,
| vice president of open system development at
| IBM, provided his insights into some do's
| and don't when trying to work with Linux.
| For IBM, one of the hardest lessons it had
| to learn was one about control. Mainly,
| there is none.
| "There is nothing that we can do to control
| individuals or communities, and if you try,
| you make thing worse," Frye told the
| audience. "What you need is influence. It
| goes back to the most important lesson,
| which is to give back to the community and
| develop expertise. You'll find that if your
| developers are working with a community,
| that over time they'll develop influence and
| that influence will allow you to get things
| done."
| Frye noted during his keynote that an early
| question that IBM asked internally about
| Linux was how it could control a chaotic
| development process. As it turns out, Linux
| development isn't a chaotic process, though
| it may appear that way to some looking from
| the outside.


Is Linux graying?

,----[ Quote ]
| Too old is, of course, a vague term. After
| all, Linus Torvalds, Linux's creator and
| leader, is just 40. Still, it is a clear
| that Linux's top kernel leaders aren't kids
| anymore.
| Greg Kroah-Hartman, a Novell engineer and
| head of the Linux Driver Project, replied,
| "Turnover at the upper level is not
| happening." James Bottomley, another Novell
| engineer and the Linux Foundation's
| Technical Advisory Board Chair, agreed that:
| "There are more gray beards. The graying of
| the Linux kernel is going to continue until
| people start dying."

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