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[News] Wil Wheaton on Desktop GNU/Linux Since 2002

  • Subject: [News] Wil Wheaton on Desktop GNU/Linux Since 2002
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:29:32 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Wil Wheaton Prime uses Linux to bring you Evil Wil Wheaton sitting in Sheldon's spot.

,----[ Quote ]
| If you've been reading my blog for a long time 
| (or you've gone through the archives) you know 
| that I love the Linux operating system. I 
| first switched to Linux in 2002, and 
| eventually ended up running a heavily-modified 
| version of Debian for years, until I was 
| seduced by the elegance and stability of OS X. 
| From time to time, though, I grab a LiveCD 
| (usually Ubuntu, these days, though I've gone 
| through most of them at one time or another) 
| and spend an hour or so poking around to see 
| what's new and how quickly I can break it.
| Shortly before I went to Vancouver for Eureka, 
| I burned an iso of Ubuntu 10.4 beta, to see 
| what all the fuss was about (short version: 
| Ubuntu made some significant UI changes for 
| that version, and a lot of Linux users are 
| apparently as keen on change as Garth was in 
| Wayne's World.)
| My incredibly short review: I liked it.


Future on Ubuntu and Desktop Linux!

,----[ Quote ]
| I honestly asked myself the other day, âdo I 
| really need to use Windows?â
| And then thatâs when hit me, Ubuntu linux was 
| now pretty up to par with Windows 
| counterparts, thereâs so much support and 
| improvements happening, there was not many 
| reasons I would need to continue using 
| Windows.



(Linux) 10d10t

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm not a Windows guy, for all the reasons people who aren't
| Windows users cite, but rather than waste everyone's time with
| another variation on the same old rant, I'll just say that I
| don't like the way Windows works, and I don't trust Microsoft.


Wil Wheaton's Geek in Review: Rockin' the Linuxburbs

,----[ Quote ]
| In fact, Linux has grown up so much and so well, today I can
| devote an entire column to some of the cooler media players
| available to Linux users, rather than the once-obligatory
| HOW TO on getting your printer to work, or mounting and
| unmounting a CD-ROM device with just five lines of script.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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