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[News] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Reaches RC, a Lot More News Arriving

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Reaches RC, a Lot More News Arriving
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:01:42 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Announcing the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the 
| Release Candidate for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 
| (Long-Term Support) Desktop and Server 
| Editions and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server for 
| Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) and Amazon's 
| EC2, as well as Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook 
| Edition.  Codenamed "Lucid Lynx", 10.04 LTS 
| continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of 
| integrating the latest and greatest open 
| source technologies into a high-quality, 
| easy-to-use Linux distribution.


Ubuntu Release Party Videocast Soon!


Ubuntuâs Indicator Menus â Ayatana bearing fruit

,----[ Quote ]
| When we set up Project Ayatana to improve 
| the usability of the whole desktop, we 
| called it Ayatana because we were focused 
| on the âsphere of consciousnessâ, oneâs 
| awareness of whatâs going on outside of the 
| current application. There are two key 
| aspects to the work:
|    1. Notifications are âawareness 
|    distilledâ in the sense that you cannot 
|    interact with them at all.  We designed 
|    them as ephemeral âclick-transparentâ 
|    messages, implemented in Notify-OSD. 
|    Their sole purpose is to notify you of 
|    transient events.
|    2. Indicator Menus combine persistent 
|    awareness of a state with a set of 
|    options for modifying that state.


Ubuntu ditching notification area, awesome things to come

,----[ Quote ]
| The notification area in Ubuntu is to be 
| removed by Ubuntu 11.04 the  Canonical 
| design team have announced. Labelled as 
| âineffectiveâ and âinconsistentâ Ubuntu 
| will instead be encouraging applications to 
| make use of panel menus that assemble 
| related applications into one area.


Ubuntu 10.04 Integrates All Your Inboxes [Linux]

,----[ Quote ]
| Iâve been looking for a way to combine all 
| my inboxes in one place for a long time; 
| little did I know my favorite operating 
| system would make this dream feature of 
| mine a default. Previously I didnât really 
| see the point of the indicator applet, but 
| with the addition of access to oneâs social 
| networks I see a bright future for this 
| handy little tool.
| If youâre really interested in the next 
| version of Ubuntu, and youâre brave enough 
| to try something still in beta, check it 
| out here. If youâd rather wait, the full 
| version comes out on April 29th, and you 
| can always read more about Ubuntu tomorrow 
| when my next post goes up.
| What do you think? Is this a killer feature 
| for Ubuntu, or more bloat youâll never use? 
| Will you yourself use the indicator applet 
| now that it supports social networks, or 
| will you continue to remove it as part of 
| your Ubuntu setup routine?


Ubuntu Power Users Community

,----[ Quote ]
| As Ubuntu continues to grow and refine, 
| particularly in bringing excellence in 
| design to the platform, there has been some 
| concern in some parts of the community that 
| it is less attuned to power users who want 
| to tweak many aspects of the system than it 
| once was. I agree. That in my mind is not a 
| bad thing: Ubuntu is focusing on a simple, 
| sleek and refined experience, and sometimes 
| as Mark said recently, less is more.


Tomcat improvements coming up in 10.04 !

,----[ Quote ]
| Jason Brittain, a software architect at 
| MuleSoft and the author of Tomcat: the 
| Definitive Guide, approached us with some 
| ideas about how to improve the Tomcat 
| package in Debian and Ubuntu. Check out his 
| blog post on working with Debian and Ubuntu 
| here.
| Jason noticed that the Ubuntu and Debian 
| init scripts were starting Tomcat via the 
| JSVC service runner, in order to allow 
| binding the Tomcat JVM to privileged server 
| port numbers (port numbers lower than 
| 1024), while still running as an 
| unprivileged user. However, JSVC was also 
| the source of several long-standing bugs: 
| it shuts down Tomcat abruptly and 
| implements unreliable restarts, so it was 
| possible for the init script to be unable 
| to restart Tomcat. Upstream recommends 
| using Tomcatâs catalina.sh script instead, 
| and that script should in turn run the Java 
| binary, so that the init script can 
| properly handle any issues with starts, 
| stops, or restarts. But that script doesnât 
| have the support to bind ports as root and 
| then run as an unprivileged user, like JSVC 
| doesâ


Change I Can Believe In


Canonical to Roll Out Independent Ubuntu Certified Professional Certification for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, today 
| announced that it will provide its own 
| fully-independent certification for junior-
| level system administrators to help them 
| with Ubuntu deployments in their office 
| environments. The e-learning course version 
| will be available shortly after the Ubuntu 
| 10.04 LTS (Long Term Support) release on 29 
| April 2010 with students able to study in 
| the classroom from June 2010 and the new 
| exam available from October 2010.


Canonical open sources Launchpad and Ubuntu Single Sign On code

,----[ Quote ]
| More details about the Canonical Identity 
| Provider can be found on the project's 
| Launchpad page (login required). Canonical 
| Identity Provider code is released under 
| version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public 
| License (AGPLv3).


Open vs. Closed: Ubuntu Walks the Line

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonicalâs 330 employees are responsible 
| for maintaining, supporting and selling 
| service for Ubuntu, an open-source version 
| of the Linux operating system for servers, 
| desktops and computer manufacturers. Some 
| 120-150 of the Canonical employees 
| contribute directly to the new releases of 
| the software that come out every six 
| months, and most of the companyâs revenue 
| comes from supporting enterprise server 
| customers and makers of computers that want 
| to put Ubuntu on desktops. Consumers also 
| download the software, but few pay 
| Canonical for support. The company is not 
| yet profitable.


What to Install After Installing Ubuntu Lucid?


Canonical CTO Matt Zimmerman Speaks 

,----[ Quote ]
| We appreciate Matt's time for the interview 
| and we look forward to speaking with him 
| again prior to the much anticipated 10.10 
| release.



Matt Zimmerman on Mono

,----[ Quote ]
| There are risks in choosing the .NET
| platform to develop free software. And I am
| pleased that Mr. Zimmerman realizes that is
| exactly what Mono is: the .NET platform
| (albeit a gimped and tail-lights chasing
| stepchild implementation).
| I also greatly appreciate Mr. Zimmermanâs
| points :
|     * Microsoft is in âultimate controlâ
|     (despite Team Apologistaâs desperate
|     protestations)
|     * Microsoft has multiple ways to wield
|     .NET offensively
|     * It would be logical for them to do so
|     * they have acted similarly in the past
|     * they have said they would act
|     similarly the future.


Ubuntu Turkey LoCo Team interviews Canonical CTO, Matt Zimmerman


Ubuntu Turkey LoCo Team Interviews Canonical CTO, Matt Zimmerman

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