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[News] Red Hat Speaks About Free Software, Etc.

  • Subject: [News] Red Hat Speaks About Free Software, Etc.
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 09:56:40 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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The future of open source is in the middle

,----[ Quote ]
| Open-source software is likely to remain in 
| certain niches, former Red Hat VP Erik 
| Troan says, but open source is increasingly 
| becoming a necessary foundation.
| [...]
| What people are really paying for in open 
| source is editing, said Troan, channeling 
| his grandfather, who was a newspaper editor 
| for decades. They're relying on other 
| people to pick out the bits of code and 
| pieces of software that do what they need 
| to get done once they're put together.


Jim Whitehurst: Donât build a better mousetrap. Change the business 

,----[ Quote ]
| Companies that are creating massive value 
| typically arenât building a better 
| mousetrap. Theyâre not improving on 
| existing technologies or simply adding new 
| features. Instead, theyâre changing the 
| business model. This was the message behind 
| Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurstâs keynote at 
| todayâs CED Venture 2010 Conference. 


Red Hat near Key Support Area

,----[ Quote ]
| Shares of Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) are 
| trading very close to calculated support at 
| $30.25 with current price action closing at 
| just $31.29 places the stock price near 
| levels where traders will start paying 
| attention.


Red Hat (and KVM) are still RHEL-evant

,----[ Quote ]
| I started to read with a bipartisan mindset 
| about âXen and Theory of RHEL-evanceâ 
| posted in the Citrix community blog by 
| Simon Crosby. What appears to be a great 
| title at first seems to be mostly FUD on 
| why KVM is doomed for failure especially in 
| the enterprise marketplace and Red Hat will 
| drown with it. It did not have enough 
| facts, just FUD most of the time. I would 
| to counter his so called âfactsâ here as 
| its been a long time anyway since I last 
| updated my blog.


Inside Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 Beta

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat has launched a beta version of Red 
| Hat Enterprise Linux Version 6.0 with 
| increased power and performance for the KVM 
| hypervisor, greater Linux server 
| scalability and a new version of the 
| Enterprise Linux file system.
| The priorities in Version 6 in effect set 
| an expanded agenda for Red Hat Enterprise 
| Linux. "This release sets the scene for the 
| next decade," said Nick Carr, Red Hat 
| marketing director in an interview. The 
| beta release of Version 6.0 became 
| available for download on April 21. General 
| availability will come at an unspecified 
| time later this year. 



Red Hat announces beta of Enterprise Linux 6


At Last, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux vendor Red Hat today released the
| first public beta of Red Hat Enterprise
| Linux 6 (RHEL 6), giving observers a look
| at what's to come in the next version of
| its flagship operating system platform.
| The new release takes advantage of a long
| list of new Linux kernel improvements for
| performance and scalability while also
| providing new technologies for security,
| management, and virtualization.
| "When you look at RHEL 6, there is no one
| single feature that is the killer feature
| in the release," Tim Burke, vice president
| of platform engineering at Red Hat (NYSE:
| RHT), told InternetNews.com. "It's truly a
| release where the whole is bigger than the
| sum of the parts. It's a large, coordinated
| effort aiming for improved operational
| efficiency."


Red Hat boosts scalability in enterprise Linux upgrade

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat will preview on Wednesday an
| upgrade to its enterprise Linux
| distribution, which offers dramatic
| improvements in scalability as well as
| power management and storage enhancements.


The First Benchmarks Of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The first beta release of Red Hat
| Enterprise Linux 6.0 was made available
| yesterday morning. RHEL 6.0 is set to offer
| many virtualization enhancements, power
| management improvements, new security
| features, many package updates, and even
| some reported performance enhancements.
| With Red Hat mentioning this major upgrade
| to their enterprise operating system
| carrying "performance enhancements", these
| claims have now been tested using the
| Phoronix Test Suite within our labs. There
| are some improvements for Red Hat
| Enterprise Linux 6.0 to note, but also some
| losses.


Red Hat drops Xen from RHEL

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat has added a number of new
| capabilities that should help data centers
| better support virtualization and cloud
| computing. The beta release of RHEL 6.0
| removes Xen.


The Planet Turns to KVM For Cloud Virtualization


Red Hat revamps Linux server software


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 update now available

,----[ Quote ]
| Driving leadership across virtual, physical
| and cloud deployments, the Red Hat
| Enterprise Linux 5.5 update harnesses the
| scalability and performance optimization of
| the next-generation of server processors.
| Also included are enhanced virtualization
| capabilities that enable greater guest
| density, improved interoperability with
| Windows environments, and new tools and
| utilities enhancements.


What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5

,----[ Quote ]
| Optimised virtualisation, support for
| recently introduced AMD and Intel processors,
| new versions of OpenOffice, PostgreSQL and
| Samba as well as numerous fresh drivers are
| all among the major advancements of RHEL 5.5.
| After releasing a beta version in early
| February, Red Hat has now released version
| 5.5 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). As
| usual at the first stage in the life cycle of
| this Linux distribution for corporate
| customers, the new version not only offers
| new drivers and various corrections, but also
| numerous new features.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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