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[News] Ecuador Moves to Free Software and GNU/Linux to Avoid Intellectual Monopolies

  • Subject: [News] Ecuador Moves to Free Software and GNU/Linux to Avoid Intellectual Monopolies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:08:36 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Free Software Used To Fight Piracy, Broaden Knowledge Access In Ecuador 

,----[ Quote ]
| A joint project being launched by a regional 
| non-profit group along with the Ecuadorâs 
| intellectual property office (IEPI) aims to 
| reduce software piracy by offering a free 
| software alternative through public libraries. 
| The initiative is meant to encourage the use 
| of legal software and thereby lower the piracy 
| rate.
| For the âFree Libraryâ project, the Latin 
| American Center for Intellectual Property 
| Research for Development â known as 
| CorporaciÃn Innovarte â has signed an 
| agreement with the national IP office (IEPI), 
| the Free Software Foundation of Ecuador and 
| the associations of libraries. CorporaciÃn 
| Innovarte aims to promote access to knowledge, 
| innovation, and culture as tools for 
| development.
| The project is meant to use libraries as a 
| vector to build a distribution channel for 
| free software available to users. Free 
| software will be offered as part of the usual 
| library collections. The initiative will 
| disseminate free software among the 
| population, serving two goals: offering people 
| different options while supporting the âspread 
| of educational and research possibilities,â 
| and contributing to the limitation of illegal 
| software use.



Ecuador's Internal Revenue Service Selects Red Hat Solutions

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source solutions Red Hat announced that Ecuador's Internal Revenue
| Service, SRI Ecuador, has developed a stable and secure platform for its
| Internet-based tax return project using a combination of Red Hat Enterprise
| Linux 5 and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.


President of the Ecuador Rafael Correa Talks About Free Software

,----[ Quote ]
| For that, everyone must use free software. The Ecuadoran government has
| already established this as a governmental and state policy. This will be an
| important step in the integration and, why not say, for the liberation of
| Latin America.


Ecuador: Two Years After Correa's Meeting With Stallman

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been two years since Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa personally met
| with Richard Stallman [es], free software activist. Rafael Bonifaz reflects
| back on the meeting and what has happened since.


A look at free software in Ecuador

,----[ Quote ]
| FOSS in the Government
| A recent presidential decree mandates that most national Public
| Administrations migrate entirely to Free Software. Ing. Mario Albuja, head of
| the Subsecretariat for Information Technology of the Presidency of Ecuador,
| explained during the congress the reasons and the general guidelines of this
| initiative. Later on, I was able to get more details in a couple of meetings
| with the members of his staff. Among the most important things going on right
| now there are the studies and tests for a Government digital signatures
| application which runs on Gnu/Linux and a unified document management system
| for 45 central Public Administrations. There is also a field trial of the GPL
| hospital management software Care2X in the works.


Democratization of Knowledge, P2P alternatives and more in Ecuador

,----[ Quote ]
| I asked Marco Fioretti of the Italian Digifreedom to report on the congress
| on free software and education that we both attended as speakers in Quito,
| Ecuador, and which was organized and hosted by the Salesian teaching order,
| who preferentially work with the children of the poor.


Ecuador: A Weekend of Free Software Throughout the Country

,----[ Quote ]
| In Ecuador, this event gathered a lot of attention, especially since the
| President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, by means of decree No. 1014 of
| April 10, 2008, ruled that the computers in the public administration should
| utilize free software. This decree fulfills a promise made in a speech in
| 2007 that would migrate all of the country's computers to these free systems.    


South America warms to Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| In South American countries, as in most other areas of the world, the
| government is by far the biggest purchaser of software. Thus the Open Source
| trend that is now established in the government sector across the continent
| will doubtless spur Open Source adoption in the private sector.  
| There are a variety of motives for Open Source adoption in play in there,
| from the reduction in software costs to the desire to provide a "leg-up" to
| the local software industry. However, the motivation of the Peruvian
| government is unique in that the Peruvian supporters of the bill see "Open
| Source" as a citizen's right. The ownership and responsibility for the use of
| data and software have become a political issue in Peru.    
| This is an idea that is unlikely to go away.


South American Software Development

,----[ Quote ]
| Who ultimately forced Sun to open-source Java? Was it external pressure,
| either from Java developers or the open-source community? Or was it internal,
| perhaps a mandate from CEO Jonathan Schwartz?  
| Answer: None of the above. According to Jonathan himself, it was Brazil.



Success for free software in Latin America!

,----[ Quote ]
| And today was the day that the president elect pronounced himself in
| favor of migrating to free software!
| [...]
| Ecuador is a small country, with a population hovering around 13
| million inhabitants. About 80% of the population is poor. A good
| half of the entire population barely has resources to eat.
| [...]
| Evidently, monopoly rents (licenses) in proprietary software are
| simply incompatible with our economy. If we want to take advantage
| of computers, our only options are the GNU and Linux systems ands
| oftware out there. Otherwise, we'll be attempting to out-compete
| the competition, using their ground rules. Ha!


Ecuador migrates to Free Software and Open Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| On April 10, 2008, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa Delgado signed a decree
| ordering that the software used by public administrations in the country be
| free software (and implicitly based on open standards). Fuller story in
| Spanish...  


Venezuela Launches Sale of "Bolivarian" Computers

,----[ Quote ]
| The new computers will run the open-source Linux operating system
| and will first be used inside the government "missions" and state
| companies and institutions but eventually are expected to be sold
| across Venezuela and Latin America.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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