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Re: Android passes iPhone OS traffic in US, growing faster than ever

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____/ Rick on Thursday 29 Apr 2010 11:37 : \____

> On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 21:01:49 -0700, Rex Ballard wrote:
>> On Apr 28, 10:36 pm, Rick <n...@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 21:45:49 -0400, wispygalaxy wrote:
>>> > Terry Porter wrote:
>>> >> The entire Android platform carried a strong 32% monthly growth
>>> >> rate, starting from a small 72 million requests in March 2009 to
>>> >> over 2 billion in March 2010.
>>> > Didn't we hear from the trolls that Android will never catch up to
>>> > the iPhone?  We'll see about that!
>>> I wonder if the "patent licensing" with Microsoft is going to raise the
>>> prices?
>> Probably not, but it will probably make it much easier to get the phones
>> displayed on retail shelves.  IIRC Motorola already had a cross-
>> licensing agreement with Microsoft, since Microsoft uses several
>> Motorola patents in Windows Mobile.
>> I would suspect that HTC is also a cross-licensing agreement, and little
>> if any cash.
>> It reduces the risk that Microsoft will get sued by some patent troll
>> for taking some idea from Android and implementing it in the Windows
>> APIs.
> I'd like to see Microsoft get sued. Often.They are big enough to survive
> it and it might help get the patent process reformed.

Windows Mobile/Kin is dead (just look at reviews).

Windows revenue is declining.

All parts of Microsoft decline (with rare exceptions).

Microsoft has debt.

Microsoft is just betting on making revenue from tax imposed on competitors.

This wouldn't fly.

Microsoft is already sending jobs abroad and firing left and right to lower expenses. Key executives quit.

Android is getting closer to Linux these days, so it's looking good for Linux.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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