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[News] Pamela Jones Voted a "Most Influential Woman in Technology 2010"; SCO Case Carries on

  • Subject: [News] Pamela Jones Voted a "Most Influential Woman in Technology 2010"; SCO Case Carries on
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:52:55 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Most Influential Women in Technology 2010: Pamela Jones

,----[ Quote ]
| Groklaw, set up in 2003 at the beginning of 
| the SCO-Linux controversies, quickly became 
| a go-to resource for tracking legal issues 
| surrounding open source and the Web. 
| "Groklaw is an attempt to get geeks and 
| lawyers together, so they can help each 
| other understand the other's world, with 
| the goal of ideally getting better court 
| results based on technical realities," 
| Jones wrote me a few emails later, when 
| there was "a lull in the action." In 
| theory, the case should come to a close 
| soon, but Jones doesn't have her hopes up 
| about what's next. "Next? Is there a next 
| with SCO?" she asks. "They are like Night 
| of the Living Dead as far as persistence is 
| concerned."


SCO Files Motion for Judgment As a Matter of Law, or For a New Trial

,----[ Quote ]
| SCO has filed its "renewed" motion for 
| judgment "as a matter of law", with its 
| supporting memorandum. They ask the judge 
| to rule over the heads of the jury and 
| decide that the jury "simply got it wrong" 
| when it ruled that SCO didn't get the 
| copyrights in 1995 from Novell. In the 
| alternative, they'd like a new trial.


SCO Asks Judge To Give Them the Unix Copyright


Annotating SCO's Findings of "Fact" and Conclusions of Law - Want to Help?

,----[ Quote ]
| I have been quietly working on a project 
| that I now realize would be more fun and 
| more effective if we do it together, annotating 
| SCO's proposed Findings of Fact and 
| Conclusions of Law [PDF]. We were all 
| stunned to read what they filed with the 
| court, and I thought about historians 
| someday reading this document and imagining 
| it to be 100% accurate. I don't think it 
| is, and so I have begun linking to 
| contradictory evidence from SCO itself and 
| to other materials that can be helpful to 
| anyone someday wishing to know what 
| happened. Would you like to help me?


SCO says judge should order Novell to transfer Unix copyrights

,----[ Quote ]
| The SCO Group is asking a federal judge to 
| order Novell Inc. to turn copyrights to the 
| Unix computer operating system over to SCO 
| despite a jury verdict that said a 1995 
| sales agreement did not include those 
| assets.
| Lindon-based SCO told U.S. District Judge 
| Ted Stewart that the jury did not address 
| the issue that he is to decide when it 
| reached its verdict March 30 in the long-
| running legal battle over the ownership of 
| software that is used by many businesses. 

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