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[News] Google Takes its Free/Libre Web Browser to a Third Dimension

  • Subject: [News] Google Takes its Free/Libre Web Browser to a Third Dimension
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 12:29:28 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

End of the Desktop? Google Backs WebGL

,----[ Quote ]
| Stick a fork in the desktop, itâs done! 
| Recently Google demoed a port of Quake II to 
| WebGL and HTML5, showing that even first person 
| shooters are suitable applications to run in 
| the browser. While the tide isnât going to turn 
| all at once, it seems more likely than ever 
| that a browser-based desktop is a viable option 
| and ultimately the way many users will 
| experience all applications.


Google building 3D into Native Client

,----[ Quote ]
| Google is expanding the abilities of its Native 
| Client technology for accelerated Web 
| applications so it will encompass a newer and 
| increasingly important frontier of computing: 
| graphics. 


Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers



Google trying anew for a 3D Web

,----[ Quote ]
| Two related projects from Mozilla and
| Google, each with the similar goal of
| bringing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics
| to the Web, appear to be joining forces
| after a change in Google tactics.


Google Launches 3D Graphics Driver Project for Chrome

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has launched a new project for
| Chrome that will let the browser run a
| wider range of 3D graphics content without
| downloading additional drivers.
| The open-source project, called ANGLE
| (Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine),
| seeks to let Chromium run WebGL content on
| Windows computers, wrote product manager
| Henry Bridge on the Chromium blog.


Google Gets Into The 3D Driver Game

,----[ Quote ]
| To help out the adoption of WebGL, the
| Khronos-backed API originally started by
| Mozilla that seeks to let web developers
| tap into modern graphics processors via the
| web-browser natively, has caused Google to
| get into the graphics driver game. WebGL
| binds to OpenGL ES 2.0, and with the
| Microsoft graphics drivers being more
| DirectX-optimized rather than OpenGL,
| Google's playing to Microsoft. Google wants
| more users to be able to use WebGL,
| particularly when running the Chrome
| browser, so they have just announced the
| Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine. The
| objective of ANGLE is to just take the
| subset of the OpenGL ES API exposed by
| WebGL and to translate those extensions
| into their DirectX 9.0c equivalents.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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