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Re: [News] Not So Difficult for Windows Users to Learn GNU/Linux After All

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____/ owl on Monday 03 May 2010 23:19 : \____

> ToolPackinMama <philnblanc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 5/3/2010 7:05 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> | 1.  Hackers are not consumer lemmings ??? As
>>> | large institutions continue to brainwash
>>> | American citizens into becoming slaves to
>>> | the systems they???ve created; hackers know
>>> | that there is a life outside these systems
>>> | of user dependence, a better life.
>>> | Institutional dependence is literally
>>> | killing us.  Our dependence on the
>>> | institutional food system has left us
>>> | disease ridden and physically incapable.
>>> | Dependence on western medical systems is
>>> | bankrupting us.  Our two major political
>>> | parties both preach institutional
>>> | dependence; one insists dependence on big
>>> | government institutions, the other
>>> | dependence on big corporate institutions.
>>> | Hackers preach self and small community
>>> | dependence. i.e. independence.
>> Well, that was succinct.
> Every minute spent preaching is a minute not spent hacking.

At Microsoft there is bureaucracy standing in the way (say Microsoft

Free software and hacking are about minimising bureaucracy and

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

It is not I who seek the young fool; The young fool seeks me.
At the first oracle I inform him. If he asks two or three times, it is
importunity. If he importunes, I give him no information. -- I Ching
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