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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Co-founder Gates is Bringing Monsanto Monopoly/Experiment to India, Spreads Misleading 'Research'

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Co-founder Gates is Bringing Monsanto Monopoly/Experiment to India, Spreads Misleading 'Research'
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 08:36:44 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Re-Booting DDT

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is 
| fascinating. So is the 19-page annual 
| letter that describes the work of the Bill 
| and Melinda Gates Foundation, the worldâs 
| largest philanthropy. But for someone as 
| smart as Gates, who can afford to hire 
| experts on any subject under the sun, some 
| of his foundationâs strategies are 
| baffling.
| Consider his foundationâs approach to 
| malaria, which focuses on bed nets, a low-
| tech, only modestly effective intervention, 
| and on the development of a vaccine, a 
| high-tech solution that has eluded 
| intensive efforts for decades. This 
| approach dismisses an old, cheap, and safe 
| way to control the vector â the Anopheles 
| mosquito â that spreads the disease: the 
| chemical DDT.
| [...]
| Moreover, even if mosquitoes become 
| resistant to the killing effects of DDT, 
| they are still repelled by it. An 
| occasional dusting of window frames and 
| doorframes is extremely effective. Bill 
| Gatesâs experts seem not to know that; the 
| foundationâs annual letter contains the 
| following single mention of DDT: âThe world 
| hoped in the 1950s and 1960s that [malaria] 
| could be eliminated by killing mosquitoes 
| with DDT, but that tactic failed when the 
| mosquitoes evolved to be resistant to the 
| chemical.â
| [...]
| But policies based on science and data have 
| a short half-life at the UN. With a notable 
| absence of fanfare, in May 2009 the WHO, 
| together with the UN Environment Program, 
| reverted to endorsing less effective 
| methods for preventing malaria, announcing 
| that their goal is âto achieve a 30% cut in 
| the application of DDT worldwide by 2014 
| and its total phase-out by the early 2020s, 
| if not sooner.â In the absence of effective 
| vaccines or new anti-malarial drugs â and 
| the funding and infrastructure to deliver 
| them â this decision is tantamount to mass 
| murder, a triumph of radical environmental 
| politics over public health.
| How can we drain the public-policy swamp?


In the fight against malaria and other insect-borne diseases, DDT is still our most effective weapon


Researchers to improve crop nutrition value 

,----[ Quote ]
| Research to improve sorghumâs nutritional 
| levels through genetic engineering is under 
| way.


Partner our Nutrition Mission, BSY tells Gates

Yeddyurappa request Bill Gates to become partner in Nutrition Mission

GMO monopolies.


US Senate, Bill Gates Give the Planet a Middle Finger for Earth Day

,----[ Quote ]
| Today the Senate Foreign Relations committee
| held a hearing on the Global Food Security Act
| (S.384), which, as I have documented on this
| blog before, Monsanto HAS been involved in
| lobbying on. The bill first came to my
| attention about a year ago, when the same
| committee held a very similar hearing about
| the same bill. In the year since then, I've
| become increasingly knowledgeable and outraged
| about the issues surrounding global food
| security. In the meantime, the Obama
| Administration took the lead on the issue of
| global food security from the Senate, and
| USAID is doing quite a bit already (in
| partnership with the World Bank and private
| organizations and companies) to really f*ck
| things up worldwide.


Gates Official Comes Under Investigation by Senate Committee

,----[ Quote ]
| The head of global health for the Bill &
| Melinda Gates Foundation is under scrutiny
| by members of Congress for his previous job
| at one of the world's largest
| pharmaceutical companies.
| The Senate Finance Committee is
| investigating whether the drug company
| GlaxoSmithKline knew of possible health
| risks associated with the diabetes medicine
| Avandia. The committee's senior members,
| Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana, and
| Charles Grassley, a Republican from Iowa,
| released a report over the weekend that
| says that the company intimidated outside
| researchers from studying the drug.
| [...]
| Only a small portion of the 334-page report
| focuses on Dr. Yamada. But it says he made
| phone calls to officials at the University
| of North Carolina and the University of
| Pennsylvania to shut down studies of
| possible negative side effects of Avandia.
| At the University of Pennsylvania, two
| researchers said that phone calls by Dr.
| Yamada and other drug company executives
| "were highly unprofessional and had a
| chilling effect on their professional
| activities."

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