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[News] Indian Government Makes National Operating System, Maybe GNU/Linux Based

  • Subject: [News] Indian Government Makes National Operating System, Maybe GNU/Linux Based
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 23:36:25 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

OMG! Indian Government to develop its own Operating System and anti virus products

,----[ Quote ]
| Government probably should be told that CDAC 
| has developed OS (derived from Debian), called 
| BOSS [i.e. Bharat Operating System Solutions].


Fragmentation is Good and Bad for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux already has a unified base: itâs called 
| upstream components. An Embedded Linux OS, 
| just like an enterprise Linux OS, is comprised 
| of core upstream components like the Linux 
| kernel. First, at the kernel level â where 
| most hardware support happens including all 
| driver support â the Linux ecosystem is 
| extremely unified. Device makers or silicon 
| suppliers that wish to support their hardware 
| with Linux - whatever the variety - simply 
| contribute code to the mainline Linux kernel 
| project hosted at kernel.org. Use a mainline 
| kernel and you are using the right base. 
| Recently Google has been working with the 
| kernel community to ensure their drivers are 
| in the mainline kernel and great progress has 
| been made to âunifyâ Android with the mainline 
| kernel. 



Assam government includes FOSS in state IT policy

,----[ Quote ]
| Yet another Indian state government made
| open source an integral part of its state IT
| policy. The policy is because it mandates
| open standards and ODF, in particular, which
| has been advocated open source supporters
| the open standard for office documents
| (instead of Microsoft's proprietary .doc,
| OOXML and other data formats). It also
| extends beyond software and says that all
| generic hardware purchased by the government
| should have support for open source
| software. The section mandating that source
| code developed for any State Government body
| shall be duly archived in a repository,
| indicates that the policy makers also
| understand the power of the open source
| development model. Overall, it is a good
| policy and worth forwarding to all the
| government policy makers that we are in
| touch with.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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