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[News] ACTA Totally Secret Again; Digital Economy Bill Could Still be Repealed

  • Subject: [News] ACTA Totally Secret Again; Digital Economy Bill Could Still be Repealed
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 18:42:04 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

ACTA Draft Release Was Apparently A One Time Deal: Now We're Back To Secrecy

,----[ Quote ]
| After about a year or so of very public 
| questions over the incredible level of 
| secrecy of ACTA (including the patently 
| ridiculous claim that details couldn't be 
| revealed for national security reasons), 
| including a complete smackdown by the EU 
| Parliament concerning the whole ACTA 
| process, the negotiators finally (and very 
| reluctantly) released the latest draft in 
| April. Of course, by then, the full 
| document had already leaked. Still, the 
| officially released document left out some 
| of the key parts that were in the leaked 
| draft. Funny how that works. 


Will Nick Clegg push to repeal the Digital Economy Act?

,----[ Quote ]
| For ORG supporters, there is a lot that we 
| can hope for from the new administration.
|     * We can hopefully assume that talk of 
|     a repeal of the Human Rights Act is 
|     now shelved.
|     * ID cards and their database should be 
|     scrapped
|     * The DNA database should be restricted 
|     or scrapped
|     * Promises of a Data Freedom Act are 
|     welcome



EC's ACTA Negotiator Devigne: Rejected U.S. "Blackmail"

,----[ Quote ]
| Luc Devigne, the European Commission's lead
| ACTA negotiator, recently appeared before
| the International Trade Committee which
| brought together Members of the European
| Parliament and ACTA negotiators.  Sources
| say Devigne revealed several key things:
|     * the release of the draft ACTA text
|     may be a one-time deal. There are no
|     current plans to release the updated
|     text following future rounds of talks.
|     * Devigne reportedly told the MEPs that
|     the EC successfully rejected U.S.
|     "blackmail", a reference to U.S.
|     demands for changes on the scope of
|     ACTA in return for greater
|     transparency.

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