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[News] Nokia Uses Linux Along With Intel to Compete With Google, Apple, ARM

  • Subject: [News] Nokia Uses Linux Along With Intel to Compete With Google, Apple, ARM
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 22:34:17 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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What does Nokia need to do to become relevant again? 

,----[ Quote ]
| 3) Ditch Symbian for smartphones: Nokia 
| claims that Symbian âdemocratises the 
| smartphone marketâ. Theyâre saying that open 
| source programmes make their phones more 
| customisable and more relevant to a larger 
| audience than, say, an iPhone. But Android is 
| already by some measures outselling the Apple 
| iPhone, itâs already open source and itâs 
| already very good, when HTC design with it at 
| least. Symbian 4 is, by virtue of its arrival 
| later this year, surely not able to be a 
| patch on Android 1.6, never mind the newer 
| 2.1, and equally poor in comparison to iPhone 
| OS3. Whatâs the point in backing the Symbian 
| horse? Insiders say forthcoming OS Meego will 
| be great. Itâs too little, too late, when 
| Android is already streaks ahead and Windows 
| Phone 7 Series is on the way. (Iâd love, by 
| the way, to be proved wrong, but âthe open 
| source OSâ Symbian 4 is currently a secret â 
| you can take a look here at Mashable, 
| however. 


Intel gives first look at MeeGo interface

,----[ Quote ]
| MeeGo has been given its first proper outing 
| at Intel's Developer Forum in Beijing.
| While Nokia and Intel announced the merger of 
| Moblin and Maemo back at Mobile World 
| Congress in February, there were no demos at 
| the event and only minimal details.


Workshops tackle Qt, Linux, and i.MX development

,----[ Quote ]
| Future Electronics and Nokia will host six 
| full-day, hands-on workshops across the North 
| America on using Linux and Nokia's Qt 
| development framework to develop user 
| interfaces (UIs) for Freescale's ARM-based 
| i.MX system-on-chips (SoCs). Starting in 
| Boston on May 18, the workshops will use the 
| Freescale i.MX23 SoC as its sample platform.


The Qt Virtual Framebuffer



Frankensteinâs Netbook

,----[ Quote ]
| Unless you have a real reason to want XP
| (gamesâ sigh), or OS X on non-Apple
| hardware (gamesâ heh), you really are just
| setting yourself up for a headache down the
| road.  Ubuntu installs fast, is very
| straightforward, small and netbook-
| friendly.  Oh and there are even
| proprietary games for it these days too.
| I look forward to the day when $199 ARM-
| based netbooks with Ubuntu flood the market | ;)

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