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[News] Linuxcare is Back to Life as GNU/Linux Thrives in Fog Computing

  • Subject: [News] Linuxcare is Back to Life as GNU/Linux Thrives in Fog Computing
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 01:00:34 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Linuxcare returns with focus in the cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| Back in Linux's early days, Linuxcare 
| emerged as the first important Linux 
| support company. In 1998, the company made 
| headlines not just in the technology press 
| but in mainstream business publications 
| like the Wall Street Journal as the 
| company that would help businesses switch 
| over to Linux. It was not to last. Poor 
| top management decisions led Linuxcare to 
| lose first its way, and, then, years 
| later, to quietly vanish. Now, one of its 
| founders, Arthur F. Tyde III, has brought 
| Linuxcare back from the grave and made it 
| ready for the 21st century. 
| [...]
| In a statement, Dr. Scott S. Elliott, 
| Linuxcare CEO, explained that since "Many 
| companies are moving their IT to Cloud 
| computing providers such as Amazon Web 
| Services in order to reduce expenses for 
| capital equipment, buildings, utilities, 
| and supporting manpower." We have built 
| Linuxcare in the Cloud to provide scalable 
| services such as helping clients set-up, 
| configure and debug their open-source 
| applications, including Linux, Joomla, 
| SugarCRM, and many others." 



An oral history of LinuxCabal (video)

,----[ Quote ]
| In today's world of corporatized GNU/Linux and FOSS, it's easy to forget that 
| Linux was originally "marketed" by decidedly non-mainstream people, many of 
| whom are now ignored or forgotten.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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