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[News] Why Writing Free Software is Valuable to Companies

  • Subject: [News] Why Writing Free Software is Valuable to Companies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 08:35:20 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

How and Why Contributing to FOSS Can Benefit Your Organization

,----[ Quote ]
| A Linux distribution is a carefully culled 
| collection of software from these upstream 
| projects which makes a complete operating 
| system and even includes a lot of 
| application software. This collection of 
| software is tested and prepared to run 
| securely and maintainably together. Debian 
| is built upon this model.
| Some distributions of Linux use Debian as 
| a source project unto itself. There are a 
| number of Linux distributions based on 
| Debian, including the popular KNOPPIX and 
| Ubuntu distributions. Being âbased on 
| Debianâ can mean several things, but it 
| primarily means they draw from the 
| software repository at some point in the 
| release cycle, and they use the Advanced 
| Packaging Tool (apt) to manage this 
| software. In these cases Debian is an 
| intermediary between the original FOSS 
| project and the âchildrenâ distributions 
| which may also pull from original software 
| projects to expand upon what Debian 
| provides to target their particular focus.


Do we need open source vendors?

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the biggest misconceptions about 
| open source software (OSS) in the 
| enterprise is that it is software that can 
| be rolled out without the involvement of a 
| vendor. But in reality, in any enterprise 
| software deployment, there will always be 
| someone that needs to play the role that 
| the vendor plays in the commercial 
| software space.
| What I do mean when I say that there will 
| always need to be a vendor? To put it 
| simply, I believe that there will always 
| need to be someone you can count on to 
| provide the support and services that you 
| canât depend on the open source community 
| to provide. 


Collaboration is king.

New Hampshire Libraries Band Together for their Implementation of Koha

,----[ Quote ]
| ByWater Solutions, an open source 
| community supporter and official Koha 
| support company, announced today that The 
| Monadnock Library Community of New 
| Hampshire has partnered with them for the 
| installation and support of the community 
| version of the Koha integrated library 
| system.



Open-source companies log impressive growth in Q2 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Those "advocates" are funding the payrolls of a range of open-source
| companies. Here are just a few examples of those benefiting from this
| enterprise shift to open source:
|     * The VAR Guy (@thevarguy) reports that both xTuple and Sopera are
|     profitable. While he doesn't comment on how much they're doing in sales,
|     profitability is, in itself, a significant achievement...

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