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[News] Microsoft's Software Patents/Linux Tax Revisited; New Lawsuit; Ballnux Has New Release

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft's Software Patents/Linux Tax Revisited; New Lawsuit; Ballnux Has New Release
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 09:26:56 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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How Much Did Microsoft Pay HTC To Sign The Patent Licensing Agreement?

,----[ Quote ]
| So why would HTC pay Microsoft? They 
| wouldnât. What I suspect happened (and 
| weâll never know the truth because thereâs 
| a non-disclosure agreement in place) is 
| that Microsoft paid HTC a large sum of 
| money, and then HTC agreed to pay a small 
| sum of money per phone sold. Just for the 
| argument, assume that Microsoft paid HTC 
| $25,000,000.00 for access to HTCâs 
| patents, and HTC is to pay Microsoft 
| $0.001 per phone soldâ


Microsoft Sues Salesforce, Claims Infringement On Nine Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has filed a lawsuit against 
| Salesforce.com, alleging that the CRM 
| company is infringing on nine of its 
| patents. The move is somewhat surprising, 
| as this is only the fourth time that 
| Microsoft has sued another company for 
| patent violations (though it has been the 
| target of plenty of them).


Bogus is one way to describe Microsoft's patent claims against Salesforce.com

,----[ Quote ]
| I purposely did not read Microsoft's 
| description of the patents and 
| Salesforce.com's alleged violations from 
| the 9-page patent infringement lawsuit. 
| Instead, I looked over the actual patents, 
| reading them as they are and looking at 
| them in context of Salesforce.com's 
| business, as I understand it. I see huge 
| PR value for Microsoft in filing this 
| lawsuit, possibly inflicting damage 
| against a successful competitor. The 
| patent violations are sure to create FUD 
| (fear, uncertainty and doubt) about 
| Salesforce.com's future business and may 
| even cause some customers to look 
| elsewhere -- ah, like Microsoft. However, 
| I see nothing among the nine patents, 
| based on a careful non-lawyerly review, 
| that remotely suggests Salesforce.com has 
| grossly violated Microsoft intellectual 
| property rights. 


Microsoft Sues Salesforce for Patent Infringement


Novell Announces SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Service Pack 1


Novell launches SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP1


Suse Linux gets virtualization, high availability, and desktop boosts


Brainshare: Novell announce SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP1


Novell's SLE update adds full KVM support, improved clustering


SUSE Linux 11 SP1 to deliver Xen 4.0, KVM, Hyper-V support



First, we kill all the patent lawyers

,----[ Quote ]
| Actually, I don't think we should kill all
| the patent lawyers. Some of my best friends
| are patent attorneys -- no, really. But I'd
| happily stick a knife into the American
| patent system.
| In the beginning, the U.S. patent system
| was meant to encourage inventors and
| innovation. Abraham Lincoln is reputed to
| have said, "The Patent System added the
| fuel of interest to the fire of genius."
| That was then. This is now.
| Today, unless the Supreme Court does the
| right thing and tosses out business
| practice and, by implication, software
| patents with the proper decision in the
| Bilski case, we're stuck with a system
| designed to wreck anyone who actually tries
| to implement his own ideas.
| You see, with many software patents there
| is no specific language, no hard code, but
| only descriptions of general processes that
| can be implemented in multiple ways. Now,
| you might think you could avoid patent
| trouble by looking up the appropriate
| patents and not using them. Good luck with
| that.
| [...]
| This is why Microsoft, despite being the
| loser in some whopping patent lawsuits,
| such as the $200 million-plus it owes i4i
| for violating its patents and the $1.5
| billion it once owed Alcatel-Lucent, is
| happy to threaten other companies,
| especially those that use Linux or open-
| source software, such as Amazon  and TomTom
| into licensing agreements.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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