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[News] Microsoft Uses Software Patents to Attack Company With GNU/Linux Servers Rather Than Compete

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft Uses Software Patents to Attack Company With GNU/Linux Servers Rather Than Compete
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 08:54:15 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft Decides It Can't Compete With Salesforce.com; Sues For Patent Infringement Instead


Appeals Court Finds Patent On Electronic Catalog Obvious... Tosses Out Multimillion Dollar Award Against Hyundai

,----[ Quote ]
| Two years ago, we wrote about a patent held 
| by Erich Spangenberg, a notorious patent 
| hoarder who is involved in a ton of lawsuits 
| against companies who actually make stuff, 
| attacked with highly questionable patents. 
| The patent in question (5,367,627) basically 
| described an electronic parts catalog, which 
| Spangenberg used to sue tons of companies.
| [...]
| After all that effort, the Federal Circuit 
| has dumped the original ruling, noting that 
| the "invention" (if you can call it that) 
| was "anticipated" by earlier inventions. 
| But, honestly, if you want to get a deeper 
| sense of just how messed up the patent 
| system is, you should read the full ruling



Amazon 1-Click Patent Survives Almost Unscathed

,----[ Quote ]
| Zordak writes "Amazon's infamous '1-click'
| patent has been in reexamination at the
| USPTO for almost four years. Patently-O now
| reports that 'the USPTO confirmed the
| patentability of original claims 6-10 and
| amended claims 1-5 and 11-26. The approved-
| of amendment adds the seeming trivial
| limitation that the one-click system
| operates as part of a 'shopping cart model.'
| Thus, to infringe the new version of the
| patent, an eCommerce retailer must use a
| shopping cart model (presumably non-1-click)
| alongside of the 1-click version. Because
| most retail eCommerce sites still use the
| shopping cart model, the added limitation
| appears to have no practical impact on the
| patent scope.'"

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