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[News] More Televisions to Run Linux With Free Code

  • Subject: [News] More Televisions to Run Linux With Free Code
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 09:10:06 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Google Unwraps Its Long-Awaited TV Platform; Plans To Ship In Fall 

,----[ Quote ]
| With the introduction of Google TV, 
| Google (NSDQ: GOOG) is now the latest 
| company to try to bridge the gap between 
| the web and the TV. The key feature of 
| the long-expected platform, which the 
| company is unveiling right now at Google 
| I/O: A âquick search boxâ that lets users 
| quickly look up and access TV broadcasts 
| and web content. Engineers demonstrated 
| how users could seamlessly switch between 
| watching a video from anywhere on the web 
| and watching a live TV broadcast. Users 
| can also visit a website at the same time 
| that they watch a broadcastâa scenario 
| that could be useful if, for instance, 
| somebody wanted to look up sports stats 
| related to an ongoing game.


Google TV to mix Android, Chrome, and Atom


Sony Shifts on Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| The partnership between Sony Corp. and 
| Google Inc. highlights the changes taking 
| place in TV viewing habits, but it is 
| also symbolic of another change: Sonyâs 
| stance on open-source technology.


Introducing Google TV


Schmidt Makes The TV Rounds Talking Google TV 

,----[ Quote ]
| So, the usual question for Google (NSDQ: 
| GOOG) in the wake of its announcement of 
| Google TV: How will it make money from a 
| platform that it will be licensing to 
| device makers for free?


Um, Did Google Just Quietly Launch A Web-Based iTunes Competitor? Yep.

,----[ Quote ]
| Today at Google I/O, Vic Gundotra 
| introduced Froyo, aka Android 2.2. But he 
| also went a bit beyond Froyo. Coming 
| soon, is a way to download an app through 
| the Android Market over the web â and 
| have it automatically download on your 
| Android devices too. But thatâs not all. 
| Gundotra also showed off a new section of 
| the Market â Music. Yes, an iTunes 
| competitor on the web from Google.



Is your tv running Linux? (yet)

,----[ Quote ]
| Some manufacturers are using Linux for their
| television sets, Sony for instance has a
| impressive list of tv's which are running
| Linux.


CANADA VENTURE: TransGaming Bringing Video Games To TV

,----[ Quote ]
| TransGaming makes software that allows video
| games to be deployed across different
| operating systems without the need for
| redevelopment. For instance, using the
| company's software, games developed for the
| Windows operating system can be used on Mac
| and Linux operating systems.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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