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[News] Linux Lint Adds to Ubuntu GNU/Linux the Feedback Loop it Lacks

  • Subject: [News] Linux Lint Adds to Ubuntu GNU/Linux the Feedback Loop it Lacks
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 06:44:45 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Community Counts: Another Advantage to Linux Mint

,----[ Quote ]
| A few months back I listed five reasons I 
| thought Linux Mint is a better choice than 
| Ubuntu for a Linux distro. Today I would 
| like to add another reason to that list. 
| With the recent releases of Ubuntu 10.04 
| and Linux Mint 9 we see something that I 
| feel really makes Linux Mint out shine 
| Ubuntu (yet again)...
| [...]
| Now what is the big deal about a distro 
| making improvements to itself in a new 
| release? It is the fact that the creators 
| took to heart what their users where 
| telling them when making this improvement. 
| For some of you this may not be a big 
| deal, but personally I enjoy using a 
| distro where my opinion counts.



Review: Linux Mint 9 Isadora

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, Linux Mint 9 has been a pleasant
| surprise, probably the best 2010 distro
| release so far along with PCLinuxOS 2010. I
| obviously recommend it for anybody trying
| Linux for the first time, but also for
| experienced users, who should equally enjoy
| its great features. If you are an Ubuntu
| user who wanted to upgrade/install 10.04 but
| were disappointed with the end result, make
| sure you give Linux Mint 9 a try.


More Iron for your blood...

,----[ Quote ]
| The Beta I have been using these last few
| days, along with the fabulously new Linux
| Mint 9, is Iron's 5.0.377 Beta for Linux.


Linux Mint 9 'Isadora'

,----[ Quote ]
| Based on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Linux
| 2.6.32, Gnome 2.30 and Xorg 7.4, Linux
| Mint 9 "Isadora" features a lot of
| improvements and the latest software from
| the Open Source World.
| Featured improvements in this release:
| 30,000 applications catalogued and
| reviewable both online and in the new
| software manager, brand new incremental
| backup tool for both data and software
| selection, menu transparency and editable
| items, USB and Windows installers, 3 years
| support, look & feel improvements.


Linux Mint 9: A First Look

,----[ Quote ]
| From what I can see, Mint 9 looks to be a
| worthy successor to the Mint line. Theyâve
| largely left intact what works, and have
| worked hard to improve that which needs
| improving. As a full-featured desktop OS
| with modern hardware, this really looks
| great, but older hardware really struggles
| with some basic tasks. Firefox is
| sluggish, and, as mentioned previously,
| Software Manager brings my computer to its
| knees. In a few weeks Iâll see how it
| performs on slightly newer equipment. For
| now, though, Iâll have to bide my time
| until the LXDE or Fluxbox editions come
| out before I can consider using it
| regularly on my existing hardware.


Linux Mint 9 (Isadora)

,----[ Quote ]
| The menu has been improved. If you turn on
| 3D effects, you can view a partly
| transparent menu. You can also now right-
| click on an item in the menu to edit it.
| You also have the option of changing the
| menuâs default behavior from showing what
| you looked at last to defaulting to your
| favorites. You can even right-click items
| to add them to your desktop and panel. I
| love the right-clicking features in the
| menu, it makes it very fast to change
| items or put them on your panel or
| desktop.


Returning to Linux, Round 2...Mint

,----[ Quote ]
| I always likes the ideas within Mint...make
| a good package better by adding little
| features and taking out what isn't
| necessary. I remembered from the day that
| everything just worked. Websites played
| flash, video on DVD would play with audio,
| documents opened without too much effort or
| downloading extras. So what else is here
| that most people would like to know about?


A minty experience leaves a pleasant taste.

,----[ Quote ]
| Their computer was then taken over by a
| botnet and started spewing spam left, right
| and center. Which I found out about a month
| or so later.
| [...]
| Knowing what sort of computer user type
| this person is I decided to make sure I
| chose the right distribution for them.
| After careful thought and a bit of google
| trolling (in the searching sense of the
| word) I decided to give Linux Mint a go. So
| I backed up their computer and settled down
| to install Mint.
| [...]
| This is the latest story on how a "typical"
| computer user made a seamless transition
| from windows to Linux. Do you have any such
| stories? What about the other way around?
| :) While I had no problems transitioning
| this person doesn't mean that there are
| none. What issues have you come up with
| when introducing people to Linux?


Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint

,----[ Quote ]
| I recently heard the comparison that Mint
| today is a lot like Simply Mepis was years
| ago, and I feel its accurate. Barring my
| personal lack of hardware support (this
| included fan control which is vital on a
| metal Macbook), Iâve heard great things
| including more extensive printer support, and
| after using it for a little bit I felt that
| aside from the menu, that I think might in
| fact be harder for a new user, Mint is a good
| distribution.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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