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[News] Openness/Freedom Movement Proceeds from Software to Fashion, Music, Food, Drug Development...

  • Subject: [News] Openness/Freedom Movement Proceeds from Software to Fashion, Music, Food, Drug Development...
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 14:59:27 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Johanna Blakley: Lessons from fashion's free culture


Open Your World forum preview: Q&A on music and Creative Commons

,----[ Quote ]
| Daniel James is the director of 64 Studio 
| Ltd, a company developing custom GNU/Linux 
| multimedia products for OEMs. He was the 
| founder of the linuxaudio.org consortium, 
| which promotes the use of GNU/Linux and 
| Free Software in the professional audio 
| field.
| Daniel is also the author of Crafting 
| Digital Media: Audacity, Blender, Drupal, 
| GIMP, Scribus, and other Open Source Tools 
| (Apress). The book is a foundation course 
| in photographic manipulation, 
| illustration, animation, 3D modelling, 
| publishing, recording audio and making 
| music, DJâing, mixing and mastering audio 
| CDs, video editing, and web content 
| delivery with open source tools.


Beatfly: The open source blimp

,----[ Quote ]
| While he has no immediate plans to mass 
| produce this blimp, Mr. Yoshimoto has 
| kindly open sourced his work, making his 
| software, materials, mechanical drawings, 
| and circuit diagrams readily available on 
| this page (Japanese only) for anyone who 
| would like to take to the air with 
| Beatfly. It uses an Arduino chip and the 
| free software Pure Data was used as the 
| programming environment.


The Open Source Approach to Feeding the Hungry

,----[ Quote ]
| Now a Florida-based engineer has come up 
| with an open source design to help feed 
| the hungry.


Glaxo Tries a Linux Approach 

,----[ Quote ]
| A decade ago, the Linux operating system 
| helped spark a revolution in how software 
| is developed. A move by GlaxoSmithKline 
| PLC could test how well similar open-
| source principles work for developing new 
| drugs.
| [...]
| In software, the approach has spawned the 
| Linux operating system, MySQL database and 
| an array of other programs. Those 
| community-born technologies now compete 
| with products from Microsoft Corp., Oracle 
| Corp. and other traditional, commercial 
| software makers. Open-source developers 
| share programming instructions called 
| source code that software companies 
| traditionally kept confidential.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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