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[News] Vista 7 and Vista Cannot Compete Against GNU/Linux (It Replaces Them)

  • Subject: [News] Vista 7 and Vista Cannot Compete Against GNU/Linux (It Replaces Them)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 15:33:12 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Why Windows 7 "Slate" Tablets Won't Happen


Why Windows 7 'slate' tablets won't happen

,----[ Quote ]
| (On Friday, Digitimes [5] quoted an HP 
| Taiwan exec saying the Slate would use 
| WebOS instead of Windows 7.)


Windows BARFS on Its Disk Partition AGAIN!!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Ok, I'm officially mad. Steaming. Furious. 
| I simply can't believe how awful Windows 
| is, and (unfortunately) how gullible I am.
| [...]
| You have sunk to new lows. You are even 
| worse that I had considered you to be. 
| You, and the so-called operating system 
| that you sell, are the lowest form of scum 
| on the earth. Oh yes, I know, Microsoft 
| and all of their apologists will be happy 
| to tell me that it was my fault, I did 
| something wrong (I didn't), I didn't have 
| anti-virus installed (I did), I must have 
| gotten a virus (I didn't), or a rootkit (I 
| didn't), or I screwed up by rebooting at 
| the wrong time when an update was 
| installing (I didn't, and this isn't 
| "patch Tuesday" week anyway, is it? Or is 
| it 'patch everyday" with Microsoft now, 
| considering all the out-of-cycle emergency 
| patches they have been sending out). It's 
| simple. Windows is unreliable garbage, it 
| always has been, it always will be, and if 
| you use it you should be willing to accept 
| that risk.
| I am no longer willing to accept that 
| risk, even part-time as a secondary 
| operating system on this laptop. Windows 
| is gone, it has puked all over its disk 
| for the last time here, and I will not 
| reload it. I am in the process of 
| transferring the data to one of the Linux 
| partitions - yes, Linux is quite happy to 
| read the partition that Windows says is 
| hopelessly corrupted. When that is done, I 
| will reformat that partition and load 
| something reliable and useful on it. 
| Perhaps CP/M, that would be infinitely 
| better.
| A very, very angry...



Windows 7's Worst Features

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows 7 fixed many of Vista's ills, but it
| also introduced a few of its own.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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