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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Potency Questioned After Another President Exodus

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Potency Questioned After Another President Exodus
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 21:53:28 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Will Microsoft Crumble In The New Era Of Tech Threats?

,----[ Quote ]
| These are good points, but it's also worth 
| asking whether Microsoft really needs "dramatic 
| changes in direction" to remain viable.


Memo to Microsoft: Get a new brand for mobile

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has a new job: 
| overseeing the company's entertainment and 
| mobile businesses in the wake of high-profile 
| executive departures. It's not the first time 
| Ballmer has taken the reins of struggling 
| business units, having managed the Windows and 
| Internet search businesses directly at 
| different times, but arguably Microsoft doesn't 
| need new management.


The lessons of Apple turning Microsoft into IBM


The Bizarre Cathedral - 73



Microsoft Has Become The Follower & Will Lead No More

,----[ Quote ]
| It sounds so wrong. Microsoft, one of the two
| remaining companies that helped bring the
| idea of personal computing into the
| mainstream is saying that the future it is
| betting on is in the âcloudâ. How strange is
| that? That is somewhat like a black person
| from the 1870s stating that he was betting on
| the institution of slavery.
| [...]
| Now, in a story from PC Magazine, we have a
| message that Steve Ballmer has stated the
| company is betting its future on cloud
| computing. What a turnaround.
| The trouble is, I donât think Mr. Ballmer is
| doing anything but hedging bets, and being
| disingenuous in the process, because he knows
| (or should, anyway) that once cloud computing
| comes, Microsoft becomes irrelevant and
| unnecessary.
| [...]
| The problem in the end is that Microsoft is
| not, and never really wanted to be, like IBM.
| If any change in the pecking order comes as a
| result of âthe cloudâ catching on, it will be
| IBM, Oracle, and others that know what
| distributed computing, and client-server
| computing are all about on the grand scale.
| That doesnât say Microsoft; that says the
| companies that make and use the big iron.

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