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[News] Patent Trolls Gather in San Francisco Event, Novell Portfolio a Target for Patent Trolls

  • Subject: [News] Patent Trolls Gather in San Francisco Event, Novell Portfolio a Target for Patent Trolls
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 11:53:41 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Patent enforcement companies speak at SF conference

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this month, MDB Capital Group--an 
| IP-focused investment bank that promises to 
| help investors understand "the hidden value 
| of intellectual property assets and future 
| technological leadership"--held what it 
| billed as its first annual "Bright Lights" 
| intellectual property conference, bringing 
| together IP-centric speakers from a variety 
| of small and medium-size companies.
| The Prior Art attended the opening panel, 
| which included the heads of two of the 
| largest, and most litigious, patent-holding 
| companiesâErich Spangenberg and Paul Ryan, 
| the CEO of Acacia Research Corp., the 
| largest publicly traded patent-licensing 
| company.
| The panel also included representatives 
| from consultancy ipCapital Group and RPX 
| Corp., which buys litigated patents in 
| order to strike deals between NPEs and 
| operating companies, as well as IP guru 
| Marshall Phelps. (Phelps is something of a 
| legend for building IBM's legendary $2 
| billion patent-licensing operation; most 
| recently, he helped Microsoft build up a 
| patent-licensing operation before leaving 
| the company last year.) 


Patents, Probes and Strength in Unity: Participate in Keeping Open Source Open

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently significant capital has been 
| invested in patent speculation and for the 
| last eighteen months, Congress has been 
| discussing patent reform. Hedge funds in 
| need of generating quick returns in this 
| challenging market are seeking investments 
| in patent trolls.


Novell auction could be patent troll bonanza

,----[ Quote ]
| This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for 
| the fact that Novell has a treasure trove 
| of patents, with at least 450 patents 
| related to networking, office productivity  
| applications, identity management, and 
| more.
| When I worked for Novell, we didn't worry 
| too much about a lawsuit from Microsoft. 
| After all, Novell had (and, I presume, 
| still has) patents that directly impact 
| Microsoft's Office business. I could see 
| Microsoft lining up to buy out these 
| patents from a private equity firm, but I 
| could also see a non-practicing entity (aka 
| "patent troll") buying them to extort money 
| from Microsoft.
| Perhaps some would cheer, but they 
| shouldn't.
| After all, Novell also has valuable Unix 
| copyrights (sorry, SCO) which, in turn, 
| affect Linux. Given Novell's history in the 
| networking market, it almost certainly owns 
| patents that also could have a big impact 
| on defending Linux.
| Or attacking it. Depending on who gets 
| those patents.
| This same intellectual property motivated 
| Microsoft to pay Novell a $536 million 
| settlement back in 2004. How much would 
| Novell's intellectual property be worth to 
| a patent troll?
| [...]
| Let's hope so. Novell long ago faded from 
| many people's minds, but it has never been 
| more relevant with its business and, by 
| extension, its intellectual property, 
| available for the highest bidder.


No room for another 'other' OS choice

,----[ Quote ]
| The news that Novell has thrown in the 
| towel and is seeking as immediate a trade 
| buy as it can suggests that ultimately 
| there can only be one Linux game in town â 
| and it wears a rouge cap, shall we say.


Novell's sales down as it prepares to sell up

,----[ Quote ]
| The Wall Street Times newspaper reported 
| earlier this month that Novell is in talks 
| with as many as 20 potential acquirers, 
| most of which are private equity firms. In 
| March 2010, Novell rejected a bid from 
| Elliott Associates, saying it undervalued 
| the company.


Novell's Buyout Valuation Looks Promising - cbl


Novell struggles through Q2

,----[ Quote ]
| Novell has reported a $12m drop in net 
| income for the second quarter of 2010 from 
| the same period last year. Novell reported 
| net revenue of $204m for the quarter, 
| compared with net revenue of $216m for the 
| second fiscal quarter of 2009.


Novell publishes second quarter figures

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