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[News] Fedora is Throwing Away More Mono Junk, Novell Shoves Mono Into MeeGo

  • Subject: [News] Fedora is Throwing Away More Mono Junk, Novell Shoves Mono Into MeeGo
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 11:54:31 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

4. Changes in Fedora for Desktop Users

,----[ Quote ]
| 4.1.7. Shotwell replaces Gthumb and F-Spot 
| as default photo organizer
| Shotwell is a free and open source photo 
| organizer designed for the GNOME desktop 
| environment and has replaced Gthumb and F-
| Spot by default in Fedora 13. It supports 
| the following features:
|     * import photos from any digital camera 
|     supported by gPhoto
|     * automatically organize events 
|     containing photos taken at the same 
|     time
|     * use tags to organize your photo 
|     collection
|     * edit non-destructively when altering 
|     photos, without ruining originals or 
|     using disk space for each copy
|     * publish photos to Facebook, Flickr or 
|     Picasa
|     * one-click auto-enhancement
|     * rotate, mirror, and crop photos
|     * reduce red-eye and adjust the 
|     exposure, saturation, tint, and 
|     temperature of your photos
|     * edit any photo, even if it's not 
|     imported to the Shotwell library 
| For more information about Shotwell, refer 
| to http://yorba.org/shotwell/. Gthumb and 
| F-Spot continue to be maintained and 
| available in the Fedora repository. They 
| are not installed by default anymore. 


Evolution Express (for MeeGo)

,----[ Quote ]
| Some ramblings about the creation of a new 
| user interface for mail, calendaring etc. 
| specifically for MeeGo; something I've been 
| working on, amongst other things, for the 
| last three months. 
| [...]
| Initially for Moblin 2.1 we tried a more 
| invasive re-working of the user-experience: 
| called Anjal. That was not uniformly 
| positive, missing many features (by 
| design), and didn't have enough time to 
| mature. As such, it was decided by the 
| MeeGo team that we should try a new 
| approach. This would take Evolution, and 
| adapt it's UI for the netbook screen-size, 
| tweaking all the relevant defaults. We 
| would merge the best features from Anjal, 
| and then build from there. The result is 
| some great MeeGo, netbook goodness, despite 
| being done at high speed over three months. 


Banshee for MeeGo


Novell Revenues, Linux Business Slide

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been a tough quarter quarter for 
| Novell (NASDAQ: NOVL) as questions about 
| its future ownership remain on the table. 
| Novell is also facing pricing pressure on 
| its Linux business as renewals come up on 
| Microsoft's SUSE Linux Enterprise 
| subscriptions.
| Novell this week reported its second-
| quarter fiscal 2010 earnings, showing a 
| decline in revenue, which came in at $204 
| million for the quarter, a drop from the 
| $216 million it brought in a year earlier. 
| On the positive side, net income hit $20 
| million or $0.06 per share, which is an 
| improvement over the $16 million or $0.05 
| per share Novell reported for the second 
| quarter of 2009.
| But the slide in revenue continues for 
| Novell, which provided third-quarter 
| revenue guidance for revenues between $205 
| million and $210 million. 



Novell Sells: But Whoâs Buying?

,----[ Quote ]
| Right, so, Novell is up for sale and thereâs | a couple dozen potential buyers.
| First, let me tell you what is not going to
| happen:
| Microsoft is not going to buy Novell.
| Novell has served their purpose to
| Microsoft, which is basically acting as a
| lap-dog and providing Microsoft with good PR
| while simultaneously dividing and hurting
| the FLOSS community.
| Microsoft could not have hoped for a better
| partner in the Open Source space, but Novell
| is of ever-diminishing use to their Redmond
| masters: anyone naÃve enough to accept
| Microsoftâs âgolly-gee-weâve-changedâ
| overtures has done so and Microsoft is now
| backing off âinteroperabilityâ talk and
| going back to the âcustomers just want one
| solution from one providerâ strategy in
| public (which they never changed in private,
| mind you.)
| Furthermore, Microsoft wants nothing to do
| directly with selling Linux. Novell served
| as a DMZ between the GPL and Microsoft, and
| staring across a DMZ is about as close to
| Linux as Microsoft wants to get. Microsoft
| is not about to get into the business of
| directly distributing/selling/supporting
| Linux.
| [...]
| OpenSUSE is greatly diminished under this
| scenario: as a community-only distro and
| without corporate backing, itâs looking at
| the bottom end of the Top 10 List. With
| Novellâs stained name out of the picture,
| OpenSUSE may become acceptable to people who
| actually care about FLOSS, so I wonât count
| it out of the picture.
| Team Apologista takes a major hit, but sadly
| probably not a finishing blow. I wouldnât be
| surprised to see a Mono-based spinoff.
| Thereâs money to be made there and Lord
| knows Team Apologista has some players with
| personal, professional and emotional
| investment in Mono that guarantees they
| wonât be giving up that fight.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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