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[News] Fedora Scholarship, Security Merits, and Derivative Linpus

  • Subject: [News] Fedora Scholarship, Security Merits, and Derivative Linpus
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 16:42:07 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Scholarships for open source contributors

,----[ Quote ]
| The Fedora Scholarship program, sponsored 
| by Red Hat, recognizes one high school 
| senior per year for contributions to the 
| Fedora Project and free software/content 
| in general. With a selection process that 
| looks at the student's contributions to 
| Fedora and other free software projects 
| and uses members of the Fedora community 
| as references, it's a little different 
| from most scholarships you might be used 
| to seeing. In addition to $2,000 USD for 
| each of 4 years of an undergraduate 
| education in any field of the recipient's 
| choice, the scholarship includes 4 years 
| of annual all-expenses-paid trips to the 
| nearest FUDCon, the Fedora community's 
| main gathering of contributors, which 
| happens once per year in different parts 
| of the world.


Going Paranoid on Fedora 13

,----[ Quote ]
| A Paranoid, or 5-star, security rating is 
| the highest physical security rating that 
| you can achieve on your computer. It 
| entails enabling a set of OS-dependent and 
| OS-independent features.
| But why would anyone want to achieve such 
| a high physical security rating on Fedora 
| or any other distribution? Strict control 
| of who can access your data if your 
| computer falls into the wrong hands, 
| thatâs why. The point is, if your computer 
| is stolen, or seized by agents of the 
| state, you do not want to make it easy for 
| them to access your data. In fact, you 
| want to make it impossible for them to 
| access your data.


Linpus to showcase one of the 1st MeeGoâ-based products at Computex 



Fedora 13 vs. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Benchmarks

,----[ Quote ]
| The tests carried out included OpenArena,
| Warsow, World of Padman, PostgreSQL, Unpack-
| Linux, Bullet, C-Ray, x264, NAS Parallel
| Benchmarks, John The Ripper, and TTSIOD 3D
| Renderer. This testing was done by the
| Phoronix Test Suite.


Riding the Rocket: A CEOâs Look at Fedora 13 âGoddardâ

,----[ Quote ]
| I also like the more polished desktop look
| and feel. Menus are simpler and more
| consistent thanks to the work of the Fedora
| Desktop team. The Fedora Design team has also
| been hard at work in making the icons in the
| default installation match a single look and
| feel. Iâm looking forward to trying out other
| desktop features in Fedora 13 including its
| solutions for scanning, microblogging and
| photo management. (Heading on vacation soon,
| and plan to take a lot of pics!) Iâm able to
| rely on Fedora to just work out of the box
| more than ever before.


First look: Fedora 13 from Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| The installation was quick and painless, and
| the subsequent reboot was extremely fast and
| clean -- from POST screen to login screen
| within 10 seconds.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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