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[News] Why Software Freedom is More Important Than Open Source, 100% "Open Source" PC Arrives

  • Subject: [News] Why Software Freedom is More Important Than Open Source, 100% "Open Source" PC Arrives
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 17:56:56 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Why open standards, open source, and free software are not the same thing. (And never will be)

,----[ Quote ]
| Much like âOpen Standardâ, the term âOpen 
| Source is pretty hollow and vapid. It has 
| been abused and watered down such to the 
| point that a company can release some 
| source code and only give you the ability 
| to look at it, and maybe not you. 
| Microsoftâs Shared Source program is an 
| example of this. Shared Source sounds 
| better than âClosed Sourceâ or 
| âProprietaryâ, and they can even have 
| their hobgoblin minions abuse Wikipedia to 
| label everything as âSharedâ. Suddenly 
| they arenât hording it, theyâre âSharingâ 
| it.


New Handheld Computer Is 100% Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| "While the rest of the industry has been 
| babbling on about the iPad and imitations 
| thereof, Qi Hardware is actually shipping 
| a product that is completely open source 
| and copyleft. Linux News reviews the Ben 
| NanoNote (product page), a handheld 
| computer apparently containing no 
| proprietary technology. It uses a 366 MHz 
| MIPS processor, 32MB RAM, 2 GB flash, a 
| 320x240-pixel color display, and a Qwerty 
| keyboard. No network is built in, though 
| it is said to accept SD-card Wi-Fi or USB 
| Ethernet adapters. Included is a very 
| simple Linux OS based on the OpenWrt 
| distro installed in Linksys routers, with 
| Busybox GUI. It's apparently intended 
| primarily for hardware and software 
| hackers, not as a general-audience 
| handheld. The price is right, though: 
| $99."



BSA: Hardware Without Software Not Tax Deductible

,----[ Quote ]
| The Czech Ministry of Finance along with
| the BSA threaten to disallow deducting
| hardware from base tax if purchased
| without software. This idea stems from
| their joint proclamation that for software
| to be used legally, it must be bought â
| thus completely ignoring the existence of
| free and open source software which can be
| obtained legally without any purchase
| whatsoever. The Ministry and the BSA have
| issued a press release which basically
| labels all users of 'free software'
| pirates. Many public organizations and
| companies (including Red Hat and Novell)
| have expressed their dismay at such
| actions of the Ministry.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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