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[News] Why Switch to GNU/Linux and Why Taking Market Share from Windows is Important

  • Subject: [News] Why Switch to GNU/Linux and Why Taking Market Share from Windows is Important
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 21:37:37 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Why switch to Ubuntu?

,----[ Quote ]
| Most people probably have never heard of 
| an operating system different than 
| Windows. Most of them are not as widely 
| advertised as Windows either.
| I have completely switched to Ubuntu about 
| a month ago and I must say I do not regret 
| one single bit of doing so.
| I was using Windows Vista as my main 
| operating system and I couldnât help but 
| notice how slow it was at times. 
| Especially when I had all the needed 
| applications installed. It was so 
| frustrating to wait for it to boot up in 
| the mornings when I needed it to boot up 
| fast, because all I needed was Firefox. 
| Right then I found out about Ubuntu.
| [...]
| Ubuntu is free, fast, functional, 
| customizable and user friendly!


Many hands make the light work; few make it shine

,----[ Quote ]
| If we want to fix bug number one, get rid 
| of the Microsoft monopoly thatâs been 
| plaguing the world for 20 years, and 
| actually bring free software to the 
| masses, we need to hit the gym and get in 
| shape. Not only our product, Ubuntu, but 
| our collaboration and our protocol, our 
| infrastructure and our people.
| Weâre all working towards the same thing, 
| so donât get all defensive if I criticize 
| your work â Iâm trying to help. Donât work 
| in secrecy when youâve got an entire 
| community of intelligent and talented 
| people at your disposal literally asking 
| for stuff to do, and donât skimp out on 
| the minor details, because itâs all those 
| minor details put together that make a 
| good product into a great one. Work out 
| where to draw the line between forcing 
| something thatâs unpolished into a release 
| because youâre stuck on a schedule, or 
| perhaps giving it another six months 
| before incorporating it.



Raytheon to upgrade Navy TCS

,----[ Quote ]
| As part of the $16.5 million extension, Raytheon will be responsible for
| migrating the Navy's Tactical Control System to a Linux-based operating
| system.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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