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[News] Openness and Freedom in Software and Beyond Increases Productivity and Trust

  • Subject: [News] Openness and Freedom in Software and Beyond Increases Productivity and Trust
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 21:09:36 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Trust: the catalyst of the open source way

,----[ Quote ]
| Collaboration works better when you trust the 
| people with whom you are collaborating. 
| Transparency is more believable when you 
| trust those who are opening up to you. And it 
| is much easier for the best ideas to win when 
| there is a base level of trust in the 
| community that everyone is competent and has 
| the best interests of the project at heart.


Missing the Message in Nanotechnology

,----[ Quote ]
| But this idea of sharing, which is so 
| critical to the advancement of science, is 
| almost anathema to nationalistic aims that 
| fuels so much government nanotech funding. 
| So all of these huge government 
| investments that are supposed to put one 
| country or region ahead of all the others 
| is almost diametrically opposed to the 
| sharing of these facilities. The rub will 
| be that the nanotechnology advancements 
| that these various governments are seeking 
| will not come about through this race to 
| put your region ahead of all the others 
| but sharing your facilities with all the 
| others.


Cathy Casserly: Open Education and Policy

,----[ Quote ]
| At the beginning of this year we announced 
| a revised approach to our education plans, 
| focusing our activities to support of the 
| Open Educational Resources (OER) movement. 
| In order to do so we have worked hard to 
| increase the amount of information 
| available on our own site â in addition to 
| a new Education landing page and our OER 
| portal explaining Creative Commonsâ role 
| as legal and technical infrastructure 
| supporting OER, we have been conducting a 
| series of interviews to help clarify some 
| of the challenges and opportunities of OER 
| in todayâs education landscape.


What's the Point of Hacktivism?

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to the Internet, it's easy to 
| engage in big issues - environmental 
| crises, oppression, injustice. Too easy: 
| all it takes is a click and that email is 
| winging its way to who knows where, or 
| that tasteful twibbon has been added to 
| your avatar. If you still think this helps 
| much, try reading Evgeny Morozov's blog 
| Net Effect, and you will soon be disabused 
| (actually, read it anyway - it's very well 
| written).


Why Sharing Will Be Big Business

,----[ Quote ]
| In answer to that last question, no and 
| yes: I don't think we should regard this 
| as old-style rental over the Internet, but 
| a new kind of sharing where people spread 
| the cost of rivalrous goods. However you 
| look at it, though, it is going to be big.


We can accomplish more by sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| I first learned about the open source way 
| years ago as a tech lawyer in a private 
| law firm when I was introduced to Red Hat. 
| I found the open source model interesting, 
| but from a different perspective than 
| developers. For context, at the time, many 
| technology licensing lawyers started 
| talking about open source because of the 
| innovative use of copyright law to protect 
| transparency and sharing of the open 
| source code through the general public license (GPL).


Open Source Project Looks for Better TB Treatments

,----[ Quote ]
| India's  Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) 
| collective is the driving force behind the 
| Connect 2 Decode project that aims to pool 
| research data and create a central 
| repository accessible by anyone 
| organization in the world that's doing TB 
| research of its own. More than 1.7 million 
| people die from tuberculosis each year, 
| and the virus is growing increasingly 
| resistant to existing drugs. The gene 
| research will hopefully lead to better 
| medicines and vaccines that haven't been 
| improved since they were first developed 
| in the 1960's.

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